SUCCESS; AN ATTAINABLE STATE Climbing the ladder to - TopicsExpress


SUCCESS; AN ATTAINABLE STATE Climbing the ladder to success is not a very easy thing to do. Most times life and circumstances pushes us down from the success ladder and the wound inflicted on some by the fall makes them so scared they refuse to try climbing again and finally end up settling for less when they could just stand up to the obstacle and conquer it. An organisation wanted to construct a building which has never been seen anywhere else in the world, a building which was to be made of all glass. It wasn’t long before the best architects in the country began designing the blueprint of the proposed building. On transporting the glasses for the building to the construction site, an accident occurred leaving all the glasses broken. This left everyone confused and disappointed. However, the team of architects did some replanning and the construction of the building was started with the broken glasses. It was stressful picking up the little glasses and placing them one after the other. Most of the builders got injured handling the glasses but after three months of hard work amidst all the obstacles, the building was erected and it turned out to be even more beautiful than the blueprint of the building. The broken glasses gave it a special effect that sent rays of colours down with the sun which the original glasses would never have done. This story very much applies to us and our daily struggle to make it in life. Our dreams in life represent the desire of having this building erected. Most times, our glasses (plans) get broken and we are often left sad, angry and confused. At that point, we are left with just two choices which are either to give up or press on but I will urge you to choose the path of pressing on. Never hold on to negative confessions for your words are laden with such power that they could impart on you. Instead of saying things like, “I quit”, “I can’t”, “It’s too hard”, make positive statements like, “I’m not giving up anyway “, “I can make it”, “Life can mess me up as much times as it so desires but I refuse to back down”. Turn the ugly situation into a cynosure of all eyes like the architects turned the broken glasses into a wonder. The world’s most successful people all had their share of disappointments. Oprah Winfrey was fired from her television reporting job with the reason of being unfit for the screen but she refused to take the down turn and went on to become a force to reckon with in television shows. Sir Thomas Dyson reportedly went through 5,126 failed prototypes while developing his vacuum cleaner; the 5,127th attempt finally was a success and his brand boasts as one of the best vacuum cleaners in the United States. Thomas Edison’s teachers told him he was too stupid to learn anything. Edison worked on inventing a bulb which about 1000 ended in a failed attempt until the 1001 worked. I like Edison for he never admitted failing in all his attempts rather he said that for each attempt that didn’t work out; he found out one more way that wouldn’t work. If you have that mindset about your failed trials on your way to success, you will be inspired to keep on trying. Its not bad to fail at a trial, what is bad is when you do not pick a single lesson from it or know why you failed. All famous people today could be misjudged as people who were born with a golden spoon just because we didn’t meet them when they were eating with wooden spoons or even hands but the fact is they all had their broken glass moments; what made them stand out from every other person who were in a broken glass moment just about the same time as they were was that they refused to dwell on their misfortunes or wallow in self pity, rather they turned their disappointments into a challenge and with hard work and a resilient attitude, they were able to let the world know their name. Probably, you are in your broken glass moment now; have in mind that there are more than a million people in the world who are in the same broken moment with you. It is a race and a competition; what would make you stand out from them all and make the world know who you are is your “persistent” refusal to give in to quitting. Maybe your business just took a downturn or your relationship with God just cracked due to persistent meddling with sin; refuse to make that halt your bus stop, pick yourself up and keep on trying, if you decide to quit trying then try to see the future with the height you are settling for; will you really be proud enough at old age to beat your chest and say am fulfiled? If you wont, then there is no need to stop now, there is no need to give in to quitting, you have to get up and try over and over again till it clicks; what got Oprah and the rest to success is not because they were smarter than every other person, I bet there were people who were 70% smarter than them but are still living on meagre salaries today. What got them to success was their persistent, never say I give up attitude to failure. Some people if they were in Oprahs shoes would have chose to say oh since they rejected me, am just going to try something else, some people if they were in Joyce Meyers shoes would have said oh my father defiled me too much, I just dont think I can make anything good out of my life they would have even chased anyone who wants to discourage them fromm worrying by saying if you went through what I went through, you will act and think just like I do but no, Joyce Meyer and Oprah Winfrey refused to follow that path; they knew right in there heart that if they keep on dwelling on the past wrongs, they will never be able to step into the great future they were destined for. While aiming for success or greater heights, prepare your mind for as many failures as possible because obstacles doesnt give anyone a free pass; it must try breaking you, it must try your strenght to know if you are really capable of the height you want to go to. Worlds famous people still fail now at most things they want to start up or invent but because the obstacles they faced have prepared them on embracing failure; they dont stop at their first attempt, they try it over and over till it clicks because they have been well equipped on the principles of success. If you are not equipped with these principles by the obstacles you are facing now, you wont be able to handle failure when you get to the height you aim for and it could all end up a case of falling from grace to grass which is like one of the things you dont ever wish for. When you fail, sit, think, and seek people’s opinions, re-plan and re-execute. If you fail again, keep repeating the steps over and over again till your obstacles gives up on stopping you. This is a Clip off a chapter in my recently published book. To buy the Ebook please call me on +2347084199586
Posted on: Tue, 12 Nov 2013 18:37:32 +0000

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