SUCCESS TIP ON FINANCIAL FREEDOM By Robert Bake Tumuhaise Today, - TopicsExpress


SUCCESS TIP ON FINANCIAL FREEDOM By Robert Bake Tumuhaise Today, let me share on something so important in life – money. At the end of the day, we all need financial freedom. Often, people ask me this hard question: “What can I do to become financially free?” I wish there was one magical answer I could give. I wish there was one magical button a person could press and the next minute he/she is rich. Unfortunately, financial freedom is a result of a painful journey of discipline, restraint and positive habits. Whenever people ask that question, my answer is always that to become financially free, one must take radical decisions to increase his/her income on one hand and to reduce expenditure on the other hand. This must continue until income is greater than expenditure and then whatever is saved is invested in profitable ventures (not kept on the bank account or under the pillow). Increasing one’s income can be done through looking for a more-paying job, starting a side-business if you are employed or resigning and starting your own business. It could also be done by working a few extra hours everyday or by discovering how to earn from your talents and skills. Normally, when income increases, even expenditure increases. It’s as though there are always problems and other issues out there waiting for us to get money and then they show up. But to get financially free, we must make sure that while our income is increasing, our expenditure is decreasing or at least remaining constant so that our power to save and invest is growing. Thus, the first step is that there are many luxuries we have to forego at the moment. Secondly, beware of some deadly money-wasters that must be checked. They include fancy cars, boozing, gambling, clothing, airtime, and oh, yes, weddings. Some people spend their monthly earnings in other people’s wedding-meetings! Then there are those who get loans to organize splash weddings only to spend 5 years paying back! What name should we give to someone who earns 500,000 UGX a month but wants to do a wedding of 50M? Well, in life there’s always need for a balance. We need to succeed financially, professionally, spiritually, socially and so on. That’s why we have chosen the theme ‘BALANCING WORK AND LIFE’ for the coming AUTHORS’ FORUM where we celebrate 5 years of inspiration. We shall be looking at how we can be successful in our work without forgetting about other vital areas of our lives such as spiritual life, health, relationships and so on. Robinah Nanyunja, CEO & President of PILOT INTERNATIONAL will be our main speaker. She is a woman who has impacted nearly every part of the world and has won many global awards including the East African Philanthropy Award for being a great enterpreneur and a giver to society. In the Celeb Interview we shall have Stephan Kiyemba, author of the latest inspirational book on the scene – ‘YOU ARE NOT DESPERATE’ who is also a celebrated branding and marketing professional. In the next communication I will be sharing with you more details about these and more guests that we shall host on that day. We are talking about Wednesday 4th Sept, from 5:30pm to 8:30pm, at the National Theatre. Tickets are almost running out. So visit WORLD OF INSPIRATION (Luwum Street, MM Plaza T33) or call us on 0700487768 / 0774107287 / 0414691595 and secure your entry ticket at 20,000 UGX. Since we have been talking about money, I will conclude with this important announcement. We shall be starting a short course in PROJECT/BUSINESS PLANNING. Have you been wondering how you can start a business without capital, but rather with only your skills and talents? Do you have several business ideas in your mind but don’t know how to choose one, conduct market research for it and develop a business plan? Are you wondering what kind of project to start (business, NGO, CBO, Foundation, e.t.c)? Have you tried to process a loan and the bank asked you to present a business plan and you had to pay someone to write it for you? Then, this course is for you. It will begin at WORLD OF INSPIRATION this Saturday 24th 10am to 1pm and will run for about 4 sessions on the days convenient for you. The good news is that it’s still free for all subscribed members (while the rest pay 150,000 UGX). All you need to do is call me (BAKE) on 0704666851 or email back to book a slot. Other courses in Proposal Writing, Authorship Skills, The Art of Selling, Public Speaking, Self-Discovery and Confidence Building, and several others are also time-tabled to run. Just get in touch with us and book. Stay blessed and inspired!
Posted on: Thu, 22 Aug 2013 07:49:32 +0000

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