SUNDAY, January 4 Christmas 2 Matthew 2:3 When King Herod - TopicsExpress


SUNDAY, January 4 Christmas 2 Matthew 2:3 When King Herod heard this, he was frightened. This morning, one of our students alerted us to a posting on the website of a Brazilian diocese suggesting some wrongdoing in our Franciscan Third Order. I looked, and, sure enough, there it was, photos and all. I was preparing some heated messages demanding an explanation when, not five minutes later, Barbara emailed me that it was a false alarm. “Nothing to bother with,” she said. The posting was dated over two years ago. And even then, the information was incorrect. But it is something to bother with because it upset me. Then there is Herod. He is so insecure that news of a humble birth in a nowhere town causes alarm. He not only reacts, he overreacts. Boy, does he ever, ordering the killing of all the children in and around Bethlehem two years of age or younger. Yet for all that, he not only misses his target, he elevates the child and all he stands for to heroic status. Herod’s son, Antipas, makes the same mistake in executing John the Baptist. Note to self: don’t overreact. You’ll just make things worse. Breathe. Relax. Most things resolve themselves. If not, it’s better to respond after cooling off.
Posted on: Sun, 04 Jan 2015 15:00:00 +0000

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