Sabs from all across the country travelled far and wide to sab the - TopicsExpress


Sabs from all across the country travelled far and wide to sab the first day of the Alston hare week. A big deal in the Beaglers bloodthirsty calendar and we absolutely annihilated it. After a debrief at sab HQ, we arrived at their meet and hit the ground running, piled out en masse and just stood amongst them taking photos and videos running constantly so they had no hiding place.. THEIR FACES! OH DIDDUMS! They never even got off the starting blocks. After a long stand off where they had no idea what to do next and calling anyone they could think of, including the police, they decided to set off down the track. So, like a dutiful lot we followed. And followed....and followed. Along the way, I personally got some grief off some woman right in my face shouting at me about GATES!!! and twittering on aout how I am an ignorant bugger and just dont understand the country ways. I just stared straight through her and she didnt know what to do with herself. The steam coming out of her ears was quite something. Seriously love,next time just get yourself sat down, have a Werthers Original and behave yourself. The hound van was waiting at the end of THEIR very long walk of shame and all the beautiful but mistreated beagles were loaded in again. We were then stood for ages with the whippers in and various other unsavouries in another stand off. We saw their equivalent to a terrier boy go past on the quad bike. While marvelling at her nice knitted bobble hat, me and my sab mate hadnt noticed the shotgun beside her until someone pointed it out. Ahhh,zooming about with uncased guns, those lovely country ways eh. How enormously glad I am that I dont and never will understand them. God only knows how many animals were not ran to exhaustion and disembowled alive because of the constant and direct presence of sabs yesterday. Cumbria and Borders went for a quick half with the gang to swap merry tales. On our way back home we happened upon some dodgy sorts in a field, so we pulled in alongside their lamping jeep to let them know we were there. They had many dogs.and he was carrying a shotgun across his shoulders, uncased on a public footpath. We watched their every move and they knew it, She twitched about uncomfortably as he rounded his dogs up (various terriers and gun dogs) and they left empty handed. We also believe our presence stopped another clown up to no good with a Lurcher in a random field, He put his dog back in his truck and left on the sight of us. This will continue all week, we will find you and we will sab you. Simples.
Posted on: Tue, 14 Oct 2014 10:02:34 +0000

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