Sadly we live in a World where it seems like there is no honour in - TopicsExpress


Sadly we live in a World where it seems like there is no honour in some people. They seem to have been born without compassion, kindness or empathy. They only see things from their point of view and will gladly use and abuse others to their personal benefit. Some are born this way, others are conditioned to think that way after suffering abuse themselves. They pass their limits onto the next generation and those around them like a virus. it is like as if their brain never developed a crucial part of it, that it has been shrunk and caged by their pain anger, rage, jealousy and fear. They never fully developed although outwardly they seem fully human they are missing those final ingredients, so we should remain weary of them and keep them at arms length for our own safety and the safety of those we love. Sadly they do not seem to have the ability to understand that it is not what happens to us in life that defines us, that it is what we choose to do in the darkest and brightest points in our life that defines us. Our actions and deeds define us not our words. I believe that we should try to harm none and do what we will. That real ethics is doing what is right regardless of what you are being told to do, doing what is right regardless of how badly you have been treated or how hurt you are. Real ethics is walking in the opposite direction to the tribal group if what we feel at our core is that they are ethically wrong. Real ethics, compassion, empathy and love is a lonely journey. Where the real gems of people are few and far between. They are the ones that are there when others cower, that are there in your times of great sadness, turmoil and great joy. From meeting the one or two gems that I know I believe our objective is to leave this World a better place and not add to its pain and suffering. There is a garden past our hate, pain, anger and distrust. I will meet you there and together we will plant trees for shade that we will never rest under - we will plant them for the future generations together. Namaste = I honour the place in you that when are at peace and I am at peace we are one and one is all there is.
Posted on: Tue, 30 Dec 2014 11:46:36 +0000

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