Saji (Matthew Koshy Mallaseril) 1. When Yeshuas disciples asked - TopicsExpress


Saji (Matthew Koshy Mallaseril) 1. When Yeshuas disciples asked Him as to why John the Baptists disciples fast often, but Yeshuas disciples do not do so? Yeshua replied that when the bridegroom is present, the onlookers need not fast. But a time was coming when the bridegroom would not be with them and it was then that they are free to fast. Yeshua also later in Johns Gospel said that He would send us His Helper (Holy Spirit who was a part of Himself) to be with us. So when Yeshua Himself is with us and in us, why should we fast? I in My Father and My Father in Me I in you and you in Me 2. In Hebrews we read that Yeshua made the one full, perfect & sufficient sacrifice for us on the Cross unlike the High Priest who sacrificed lambs once a year, and year after year. But Yeshua higher than the High Priest sacrificed Himself once for all and no more sacrifices were necessary. 3. In the Psalms we read that the Lord did not need sacrifices of goats and sheep. What He wanted was a broken and contrite heart and all He required was sacrifices of Thanksgiving and Praise. So why should we make a big show of making sacrifices which were more of ritual than substance? 4. Again in the Psalms we read, The Earth is the Lords and the fullness thereof. So what can we give the Lord what is not His? Only Thanksgiving and Praise. I hope you have been satisfactorily answered Saji!
Posted on: Wed, 05 Mar 2014 13:25:15 +0000

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