Salaamun Alaekum Please find Aayatul Kursi (Chapter 3) Written - TopicsExpress


Salaamun Alaekum Please find Aayatul Kursi (Chapter 3) Written by: Mirza Mohammed Jawad Edited By: Brother Mehdi Abullaah اللہ لا الہ الا ھو الحی There is no god except Allah who is Alive Following on from our previous discussion we shall now begin expanding on الحی The Life of The Creator: Allah is alive and gives life to every creation in the entire universe. He is alive independently (غنی بالذات) and exists independently (واجب بالذات) and therefore is not in need of any of His creations. Furthermore He has been and will be for forever (ازلی و ابدی). We are (حادث فقیر بالذات، ممکن بالذات) and therefore our life was and is given by Allah since we did not exist, and after a period of time our life will be taken away by Allah. This means Allah is حی and محیی alive and the giver of life. Non believers and their ideology: There are many who do not believe in a creator and they have different opinions on the creation of the universe. 2 of these categories are those who believe: 1. Life appeared on its own: They believe that there is no god and every creation existed on its own. They developed this opinion because they saw bacteria or pest at the site of a pond for example and thought that they got life on their own. 2. Life took life from each other: After a period of time scientists began to examine living specimens more they concluded that a life cannot exist on its own but takes life from another living body. For example a bacteria inside a pond in the above example fed on other organisms in the water and grew and turned into a larger species as it evolved. In both of these concepts, scientists aimed to deny the existence of God. To promote this ideology they brought two different species to create a third species and when they succeeded they would claim there is no need for a God to create another life. To reject this ideology we say that we accept the argument that a life got life from another life but we can argue that the first life was not created on its own because it is dependent on a something before it. But the preceding thing can’t have just appeared its own because it is made up of many constituents, meaning that it is dependent on something else. This cycle goes on, but using our logic we need to stop at one point and agree that there must have been an ultimate creator who was not created. This creator in Islam is called Allah. Allah has made every natural thing with a particular measurement which can result in the formation of bacteria in water for example. Or when humans mate, because of the genetic makeup, children with various characteristics are born. Even though we have now reached a point in science where we can produce test tube babies, it does not mean that there is no God. This is simply an advancement of the humans which have worked out some of God’s calculations and replicated a natural process. Allah talks about the calculations of creations in the Quran: 1. انا کل شیء خلقناہ بقدر Indeed, We have created all things according to a measure (Qamar Ayat 49). 2. و السماء رفعھا و وضع المیزان He raised the heaven on high and set the scale (Rahman, Aayat 7) 3. ما خلقنا السماء و الارض و ما بینھما لاعبین We created not the heaven and the earth, and whatsoever between them is, as playing (Al-Anbiya, Aayat 16). According to these Aayat Allah has created everything according to the measurement, and gave us authority on them, Allah says: الم تروا ان اللہ سخر لکم ما فی السماوات و ما فی الارض Do you not see that Allah has made what is in the heavens and what is in the earth subservient to you (Luqman, Aayat 20). Subservient means everything in heavens and on earth will obey you if you find the calculations and the measurement of Allah. و سخر لکم الفلک لتجری فی البحر بامرہ Allah is He Who made subservient to you the sea that the ships may run therein by His command (Al-jasia, Aayat 12) When scientists observed these measurements they invented a plane, rocket, uranium, electricity and many other new inventions, but it does not mean that there is no god. All of these inventions occurred by the permission of Allah: The more we learn the more we can create: The more we learn and ponder in and on the universe the more will discover by the permission of Allah. Imam Ali Says: If all the scholars came together from all nations and around the world still they will not be able to make a mosquito (Nahjul Balagah, Khutbah 227). It is only Allah who gives life: Allah gave us life in this world and he will give us life at the Day of Judgment, but there are six big differences in these two lives: 1. The life of this world is limited و ما ھذہ الحیوۃ الدنیا الا لھو و لعب و ان الدار الآخرۃ لھی الحیوان لو کانوا یعلمون The life of this world is only a sport and play. It is surely the home of the Hereafter that will indeed be life extended and new, if only they knew (Al-Ankaboot 64). 2. In this world a mother gives birth to us but on the day judgement the earth will give birth to us. یخرج الحی من المیت و یخرج المیت من الحی و یحی الارض بعد موتھا وکذالک تخرجون He brings out the life from the dead, and the dead from the life. He gives life to earth after its death so leaves come out from earth likewise you shall be brought from earth (Rum, verse 19) 3. In this world we get birth in 6 to 9 months but at the day of judgement it will be in seconds فانما ھی زجرۃ واحدۃ فاذا ھم بالساھرۃ It will only be a single blast, And they will wake up suddenly (Nazeaat, Aayat 13-14). 4. We die in this world but after the day of judgement there will be no death لا یذوقون فیھا الموت الا الموتۃ الاولی They shall not taste therein death except the first death (Dukhan, Ayat 56). 5. We eat in this world to replace the dead blood cells in our body, but at the Day of Judgment because there is no death for any cells of body so Mo’menin will eat different foods for joy and taste. 6. When we come to this world we have to educate ourselves; so in this world first we get life and then we get knowledge but at the day of judgment life and knowledge are together, here are some examples from Quran: i. یومئذ تحدث اخبارھا بان ربک اوحی لھا On that day she(earth) shall tell her news, because your Lord had inspired her (Zelzaal, Aayat 4-5), it will happen because Allah will give life to earth, و یحی الارض بعد موتھا ii. الیوم نختم علی افواھھم و تکلمنا ایدیھم و تشھد ارجلھم بما کانو یکسبون On that day We will set a seal upon their mouths, and their hands shall speak to Us, and their feet shall bear witness of what they earned (Yasin, Aayat 65). iii. و قالوا لجلودھم لم شھدتم علینا قالوا انطقنا اللہ الذی انطق کل شیئ And they shall say to their skins: Why have you borne witness against us? They shall say: Allah who makes everything speak has made us speak (Fusselat, Aayat 21). These are numerous verses in the holy Quran which highlight the various differences between the life on this earth and the life on the Day of Judgment.
Posted on: Tue, 13 Aug 2013 14:44:42 +0000

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