Sally Ban Geoengineering Parker HAARP AND MORE ABOUT CHEMTRAILS. - TopicsExpress


Sally Ban Geoengineering Parker HAARP AND MORE ABOUT CHEMTRAILS. MUST READ!!!! 117) HAARP - Beam into the ionosphere 1 to 3.5 billion watts of radio energy. It changes the characteristics of the ionosphere. Imagine a heat column going up there. The jet stream comes into contact or nears this heat column, the jet streams can be pushed north or south of it. The radio waves also affect the chemical particles sprayed, and cause a rippling look a corrugated effect. 118) The chemicals sprayed by aircraft are landing on our oceans, rivers, streams, soils, crops, trees, on bees (now dying off), livestock, pets, and more horrific, it is landing on us as well. 119) The environmental impacts we are seeing acidification of our oceans, our soil’s are altered, our crops are stressed, trees are dying. Aluminum is bad for air quality, our ozone, marine life, and our pollinators. 120) You can choose what you eat and drink, but you cannot choose what air you breath. This requires police protection of the public. This requires escalation. 121) Milder impacts of chemical spraying of populations by aircraft: people suffer from headaches, suffer from colds for 3 weeks now, sinus problems, increased susceptibility to viruses, asthma, muscle weakness, eye and skin irritation, auto-immune, etc. 122) Aluminum is linked to numerous neurological disorders. Short term memory loss, SAD, chronic bronchitis, liver damage, Alzheimer and dementia. 123) Barium is not good for the heart (cardiac system). 124) The Aluminum Oxide (10 nanometer diameter) being sprayed, is taken in by breathing, food, skin contact. It damages the central nervous system. It is related to dementia, Alzheimer, short term memory loss, lethargy, severe trembling, pulmonary fibrosis, LUNG DAMAGE. (the ALVIOLI in the lungs are 230,000 nanometers in diameter, making Aluminum Oxide an irritant in the least. ( no defense against such a small particle being sprayed) 125) Barium is soluble in water. It increases blood pressure, weakened or aching muscles are associated with barium, stomach irritation, changes in nerve reflexes, difficulties in breathing (asthma), Barium also depletes Potassium levels, headaches, dry eyes, sore throats. 126) Sulfur dioxide is also known to be sprayed over populations by aircraft. It has neurological effects and causes behavioural changes, it affects blood flow, it affects our eyesight and reproductive system, it affects the immune system and hearing and stomach and kidneys and damages liver and its function, it disturbs hormonal metabolism and has dermatological effects. 127) The effects of reduced sunlight increased molds, mildew, greater susceptibility to viruses, reduced crop yields, ecosystems have issues as all ecosystems rely on photosynthesis, SAD (people being under this blanket of clouds, vitamin D deficiency (necessary for health and life), solar panel output decrease (up to 50%). 128) Global dimming a staggering 22% drop in sunlight. This dimming is caused by the chemical spraying by aircraft. 129) There should be no Aluminum in rain and snow samples, unless there is intentional spraying of chemicals by aircraft. 130) Rain samples have shown numerous and high levels of chemicals where none ought to be there. This helps prove that aircraft are spraying chemicals over populations. 131) Drinking water samples have shown numerous and high levels of chemicals where none ought to be there. This helps prove that aircraft are spraying chemicals over populations. 132) Air samples have shown numerous and high levels of chemicals where none ought to be there. This helps prove that aircraft are spraying chemicals over populations. 133) A lot of people don`t know about this because they are being compartmentalized knowledge on an as need to know basis. 134) If nobody accepted the concept of on an as need to know basis and took on a responsible position of wanting to know to protect all, corruption would be exposed quickly. 135) As soon as you make people feel guilty, it is easy to control them. 136) NASA states in 2005 manmade clouds and haze are trapping warmth in the atmosphere and exacerbating global warming. 137) More manmade clouds + aviation chemical spraying = global warming = disaster 138) The manmade clouds act as a blanket around the earth, keeping heat in, causing global warming. 139) Reasons to spray chemicals over populations by aircraft: a) to control the weather = playing God b) manipulate public opinion c) social control mechanism d) control food supply and cost we all need food e) corporate profit f) enhance military capability g) geopolitical agendas 140) Modification of weather can: a) create extreme floods, extreme weather b) create droughts c) storms d) hurricanes e) erosion f) hail damage g) blizzards h) water shortages
Posted on: Sun, 28 Jul 2013 10:57:16 +0000

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