Sandra Harris 20 hrs · Edited · Excellent!! Connects the dots - TopicsExpress


Sandra Harris 20 hrs · Edited · Excellent!! Connects the dots very well. Ive posted just a couple snippets from the article. Go to the link for much more! Outcomes of this particular false flag op √ It makes the task much harder for those warning the public of the dangers of the government’s legislation endowing intelligence agencies with greater powers, more resources, fewer restrictions and less transparency. √ Providing the RCMP and other spy agencies with even more anonymity for informants is a particular danger, as noted at length above. If the laws being pushed by Harper today go through, the RCMP, CSIS or CSEC in a similar case in the future would be even more enabled to waste the time of personnel and of other resources, and of taxpayer public money, for little or no gain in public safety or security. √ Reduction of civil liberties: easier detentions, extraditions √ Increased invasion of privacy √ Intimidation of legislative branch, as happened in spades in the USA in response to the “anthrax attacks.” √ More pressure on the judiciary to bow to omnipresent low-level “terrorism” hysteria √ Marginalizing of both the legislative and judicial branches √ Increased integration of Canadian spy agencies with those of “our” allies, so that the globalist integrated deception apparatus can operate even more freely and in ever more sophisticated ways. √ Buttressing of the grand made-in-Washington pax Americana imperial design. False flag events benefit the Canadian right Some commentators to their credit have observed that these events as played are calculated to pay off domestically to increase the Harper government’s chances of re-election next year. Harper now holds a couple of aces for a winning electoral hand. One is his rightwing anti-taxes stance tied to producing a federal money surplus whatever the cost to the environment, science, social services (including more help for the mentally ill) and more. Some of that surplus is already being earmarked in the highest-profile ways as bribes (with their own money) to Canadians with children. Last week’s events now constitute another ace. “Family-friendly” leaders seen as standing tall against an external enemy almost always benefit electorally. But this second ace is a fixed card. In this game there are five aces: clubs, spades, hearts, diamonds and false flags. Only when a politically relevant portion of Canada’s and the world’s people understand the dominant agenda-setting function of false flag operations can decent people the world over begin a successful effort to replace the vast global inequality-and-death structure with a life-sustaining and fair socio-economic structure. As Prof. John McMurtry of Guelph put it on October 29th in an essay entitled “Canada: Decoding Harper’s Terror Game. Beneath the Masks and Diversions” published by Global Research: “If the stratagem is not seen through, the second big boost to Harper will be to justify the despotic rule and quasi-police state he has built with ever more prisons amidst declining crime, ever more anti-terrorist rhetoric and legislation, ever more cuts to life support systems and protections (the very ones which would have prevented these murderous rampages), and ever more war-mongering and war-criminal behaviours abroad. Adds McMurtry: “Harper rule can only go further by such trances of normalized stupefaction now reinforced with Canadian blood.” Barrie Zwicker is a renowned Canadian journalist, best selling author and documentary producer.
Posted on: Sat, 15 Nov 2014 17:28:06 +0000

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