Sasural Simar Ka 11th October 2014 Written Episode Scene - TopicsExpress


Sasural Simar Ka 11th October 2014 Written Episode Scene 1 Mataji says every bahu of this house will have separate kitchen in this house, they can make anything for their children, I wont intrude in anything but let me tell you, I am just leaving my right but I wont divide the property of my husband, business will be under one name, you all have to do business combined but in house you all will have separate identity, jhanvi ask mataji to take back this decision, prem says fault is mine, don’t give punishment to all, mataji says the daughter in law who gave everything to this house, she is left alone today, I am sorry Mata rani, where ever simar is, mata rani will be with her, mataji comes in house mandir and sits on floor, she cries, mausiji comes and says please have faith, I am with you always, all family member comes there but mataji ask them to stop there only, don’t come near me, this house is divided, it will be good that you all go to your part of house and let me be in my part of house(mandir area). some days forward, prem is going hongkong, Anjali says I wanna go too, prem says mummy and papa are going for work, you have school so you cant come, he ask surbhi did you tell pari bhabhi about Anjali’s schedule, surbhi says I have told everything to her, surbhi ask Anjali to promise that she wont create problems for pari bhabhi, Anjali promises, prem says thanks to surbhi for joining the broken family of his, surbhi says don’t say thanks to me, I am your own, prem says I have promised you and I will fulfill it when I get divorce, I have promised to bring you in my life and I will do that, surbhi says I know and I trust you, I am waiting for that day also. Scene 2 roli is talking to simar’s picture and says I cant meet you, I cant talk to you, I cant even tell you that prem is coming where you are, I cant do this because you have given me swear to not talk to you, why did you do this didi, sid comes and ask her to put smile on her face, I know you are missing you didi but you are insulting sacrifice of her, after what happened to didi, even then she started a new life and you have to respect that, life cant be stopped, you have to be strong, they come closer. roli says you are right, she has moved on and I should respect that, roli hugs sid, sid says I am going, ask some wifey kind of questions, roli ask where are you going? he says Jaipur, for two days, she says two days? just go now, give presentation and come back same day taking flight, sid says by your anger, I will have bad presentation, roli says you know what you have to do, he says yes, I have to keep roli’s sid safe and sound, roli says all the best, sid kisses her on forehead, roli gets shy and goes to make breakfast. roli comes in lounge and sees surbhi with Anjali, roli thinks that simar is away but her shadow Anjali is in house but she is away from me too. surbhi sees roli and makes face. Scene 3 khushi is making food for her family in kitchen, surbhi comes and makes food for her family, roli comes there and is sad seeing all daughter in laws doing their work, pari comes and ask surbhi to go and get ready, khushi says to urmi that see only surbhi is getting chance to go to hongkong, we all also do work, urmi says I don’t know, I have never got chance to go outside kitchen, surbhi says thanks to pari for taking care of Anjali, pari says don’t worry, you go, Anjali’s aunt is in house, I will take care of her, roli feels sad, roli thinks I am missing you a lot didi. roli comes in lounge and finds everyone eating their own food and sitting in separate areas, sid sadly looks at mataji sitting in kitchen, roli goes to mataji in mandir area and says I have made aloo prathas, you like it, please eat some, mataji says see all family is eating separately, nobody is concerned about me so why are you? why you come everyday to me with food, just go and eat like them. all family members are sadly eating, jhanvi thinks about family’s happy time, she thinks that brothers are not in talking terms, this way division will get more, prem ask surbhi to eat fast, sid stops prem and ask if there is any work pending so tell me, prem says no, I have done the work, I will inform you about details in hongkong, sid says I am going to Jaipur for presentation, prem says all the best and goes, mataji thinks that our family was example of love and togetherness and now brothers talk to each other for only work. Scene 4 prem and surbhi comes to mataji in madir, prem says to mata ji that give us blessing, me and surbhi are going to hongkong, we have got a very important contract, if we get successful then grandfather’s name will be famous there too. Mata ji doesn’t look at them, doesn’t put hand on prem’s head and says hope you get successful. PRECAP- prem and surbhi lands in hongkong, they are happy seeing beautiful sights, they check in luxury hotel for stay, one lady comes and says Mr. Prem Bharadwaj, we welcome you to hongkong, surbhi and prem looks at lady and are shocked to see that its none otherthan Simar, simar smiles. . .
Posted on: Sat, 11 Oct 2014 14:42:18 +0000

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