Satan is slithering and sliming his way through The Church . . - TopicsExpress


Satan is slithering and sliming his way through The Church . . seducing Christians with The Power of Positive Thinking. It is not a Frontal Assault . . that would be too obvious. Hubby and I listened to a television preacher from the 80s this morning. It is alarming that what he predicted about our Universities and our Churches . . 30 years ago . . has insidiously penetrated into our Families and even into our Doctrine and Faith itself. When the disciples asked Jesus what would characterize the last days just prior to His return, He explained that it would be a time of the worst religious deception the world had ever seen. He said sound doctrine would be despised and wondered if there would be any faith left whatsoever on the earth when He returned (Luke 18:8) Satans seduction is pleasant . . no longer are we to deny self and take up our cross. . but we are to love and accept ourselves and recognize our inherent self-worth. Satans propoganda doesnt call sinners to repentance . . he excuses ungodly behavior as a psychological problem resulting from traumas suffered in childhood. Today we are seeing an increase in the preoccupation with self where humility is out and self-esteem is in contrary to I Peter 5:6. When Scripture speaks of self, it usually commands self-denial and self-control and condemns self-worship. It does not teach self-love, self-assertion, self-esteem, self-forgiveness, instead it teaches us to turn ourselves to Christ. Jesus said we are to deny ourselves and take up His cross (Matt. 16:24-25) and not to be self-seeking. It worries me when I see how twisted theology is deceiving millions who are perhaps, unknowingly placing themselves above God. The only correct self-image comes from viewing God, not ourselves, and it isnt flattering - but it changes lives and turns us from ourselves to HIM. Jesus asked: However, when the Son of Man comes, will he find faith on the earth?” Luke 18 Take heed . . that no man deceive you. Matthew 24 At that time many will turn away from the faith and will betray and hate each other, and many false prophets will appear and deceive many people. Because of the increase of wickedness, the love of most will grow cold . . . . the one who stands firm to the end will be saved.
Posted on: Wed, 04 Dec 2013 12:42:21 +0000

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