Saturday, June 28: Today has been a good day. We had therapy this - TopicsExpress


Saturday, June 28: Today has been a good day. We had therapy this morning and had great success with swallowing whole spoons of water. I really think it felt good to him. We went to OT and played bowling on the table and then even we able to help the therapist put the bowling pins up by handing them to her. We were excited! We then impressed a new PT with our ability to walk on the treadmill while turning ourselves sideways at the same time! Hes quite wiggly! He is soooo strong even after all of this and while he can be physically hard to handle, I am so grateful that God has maintained his strength. Dane is my strong in mind, strong in body, strong in conviction child. I have seen our friend Eric Huston post Danestrong and for sure he is! I know God makes each of have certain qualities and I know now why God made Dane so strong, so tough. I know He will use this in Danes life in a mighty way. It gives a whole new meaning to the term Cowboy up When we got back to our room today, Diran spent a lot of time just working with Dane and our new favorite red ball. Today he was able to hit the ball, throw the ball towards the end of the bed, kick the ball with both legs and he even attempted to use his left hand! I has been a fun day! That boy loves his daddy! I am pretty sure that he told me NO this morning! Just waiting to hear it again. I do laundry every day - this is not different than my life before the accident, Im just using someone elses washer. As I pulled one of my shirts out of the washer to hand dry, it occurs to me that I have not worn a single thing that was NOT wrinkled in 5 weeks. Wrinkles, no one thinks wrinkles are good - not in your clothes, not on your face. I have both- in abundance, lately. But as I think about WHY I have these wrinkles, why my poor sweet daddy always had a wrinkle between in eyebrows with his 4 girls, Dirans grandmother, Helenss face who at 96 was beautiful and wrinkled...... I see wrinkles as love. The love of my children supersedes my need to be well pressed, the love my father had for his children created a permanent furrow, the love of a grandmother who cared more about others than herself. I think that God gives us wrinkles sometimes to remind us - that even though we are not perfect - we are loved. Just like I love Dane and Pierce, God loves us more - wrinkles, sin and all. So today - I am thankful for wrinkles......To God be the Glory.....Sunday is definitely coming!
Posted on: Sat, 28 Jun 2014 23:53:36 +0000

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