Saturday morning and we are at the cabin. We have had a - TopicsExpress


Saturday morning and we are at the cabin. We have had a continual battle this spring with something eating every flower bulb and every green bean and pea plant that we try to grow. We were plotting against that javelina for weeks. Last night when we got here at dusk I went out in the back yard. Sure enough, the peas and green beans were nibbled back to the ground. I had previously fenced in the lily beds, so they were spared. I started walking around the yard, looking for tracks. I found a lot of clawing around the apple trees at the back of the lot. And then I spied him!! A white rabbit!! And he was huge, bigger than my Siamese cat. I started following him and he led me into the neighbors yard, where he had dug up their bulbs and some small bedding plants they had put down. I kept following him and he let me get pretty close, then he would hop away. I followed him all the way to Charlies, the guy with the big goat that looks like a dog. Makes sense, Charlie probably rescued him and turned him loose on the neighborhood. :) So this mornings project is stringing chicken wire all around the vegetable gardens. So much for my big plans for procrastination.
Posted on: Sat, 31 May 2014 16:50:32 +0000

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