Saturn (its time) goes stationary direct (moving from being inner) - TopicsExpress


Saturn (its time) goes stationary direct (moving from being inner) in Scorpio (transformation). Our Taurus Moon (feeling a need to stand in the light of world servers) moves in direct opposition to Saturn in Scorpio, calling for integration and synthesis. The timing cycle of world servers comes to mind, a subjective rhythmic pattern. Now is the time for all world servers to take stock, a subjective stock-taking. Now is the time for spiritual maturing and of essential decisions and of subjective choices related to the quality aspect of group life. Now is also a time of precipitating the next bit of the vision for which the subjective group life is ready. We are inclined to take stock today under a Cancer Sun (building a lighted house for all of us to dwell within) with the Sabian symbol of A Muse weighing twins with the keyword of value - it is as if a Muse is objectively weighing our inner and outer lives and there is value in doing so. Let us visualize, using our creative imaginations, all world servers forming a circle around the planet. Let us see the energies that are available to us today pouring into the center of the circle formed and, in using our minds eye, let us see the energies streaming forth toward the greatest good for the greatest number in loving salvage of the world. May the Power of the one Life pour through the group of all world servers. May the Love of the one Soul characterise the lives of all who seek to aid the Great Ones. May we fulfill our part in the one Work through self-forgetfulness, harmlessness, and right speech.
Posted on: Sun, 20 Jul 2014 13:06:29 +0000

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