Saw a small news item, tucked away on an inside page of the nsp - TopicsExpress


Saw a small news item, tucked away on an inside page of the nsp that reported that Gujarat Govt. has stated to the Supreme Court that the snoopgate girl, was aware of the surveillance on her, and was grateful for it and this ex Commissioner was an immoral, dastardly fellow who carried out lots of extra marital affairs - but NOT with this female!! This clarification raises a lot more questions to mind - very natural and obvious questions: 1. If a person is threatened, she is given protection, not kept under surveilance. She co operates with the police guarding her - not goes on giving them the slip! 2. Is ANY person who is harassed by another, given state protection for two whole months at the exchequers expense? 3. Wont it be simpler to just arrest the person troubling this girl and warn him off? It is obvious that now the girl will say whatever she is asked to since a lot is at stake - the whole project NAMO can be damaged if she dares speak the truth; i cant even imagine the kind of pressure she and her family must be under. This affair is actually getting murkier and we need to get to the bottom of it just to know what kind of man this aspiring PM is? He does not sit through any one to one interview on TV...neither have a i read his exclusive Q and A in any print media... how come so many IPS officers are jailed today for false encouter deaths who worked under him when he was both Home Minister AND Chief Minister? Such a GIGANTIC hawa has been created about this person - at his rallies, in other publicity material - he is etched much larger than life size...some people are calling him GOD - but first will the real HUMAN behind this created phantom emerge?
Posted on: Thu, 03 Apr 2014 03:40:17 +0000

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