Say Goodbye to Survival Mode is the most transparent book I have - TopicsExpress


Say Goodbye to Survival Mode is the most transparent book I have ever read. Crystal was so honest about the difficult times from her own life. Then in addition to being brutally honest about how hard life was for her and her husband for awhile she shared how she dug herself OUT of the hard times. And best of all she doesnt sugar coat anything! She also doesnt pretend that she got everything right on the first or second try! My favorite chapter from her new book was entitled: When you feel like a failure. You see even right now as I write this review I am feeling so inadequate but I am using this opportunity to practice everything I learned in this chapter. I learned I shouldnt be comparing myself to others. No my review wont be as good as many of the others but I am giving it my best. I also learned not to hold myself up to other peoples standards. I may not be able to run a mile but I can start working my way up to walking one! And I learned that I need to be kinder to myself. Instead of beating myself up because Im not the perfect house keeper I need to give myself grace since I work outside of the home... Read the full review ----> gallopinto2.blogspot/2014/01/moneysavingmoms-new-book.html
Posted on: Tue, 21 Jan 2014 20:00:00 +0000

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