Scientists are at a loss - so multifactorial nature of the problem - TopicsExpress


Scientists are at a loss - so multifactorial nature of the problem before the science has not yet been raised. Many scientists believe that the impending global catastrophe. The state of the solar system is more sensitive to the technical activities of mankind, and, most importantly, to his psychological state. Sun behaves unpredictably. There is a reversal of the Sun, Earth, and magnetically Us planets Uranus and Neptune, the sharp increase in the power of the electromagnetic radiation of Jupiter. A bunch of the Sun-Jupiter forms an electromagnetic framework solar system, on which depend our weather and climate. Since everyone has the electromagnetic activity in the frequency range from 0.07 to 60 Hz, and in the same frequencies are all seismic processes in our environment - psychological behavior is seysmoregulyatorom! Psychic energy as it may seem strange to a correction factor of the geological, geophysical and other state changes of the Earth. The quality of mental energy and its effects depend on the quality of human thinking. Getting to know her and managing it, we can participate in the management of nature. Man, being a powerful psychological factor in planetary processes, not only does not learn to control them, but also tries to deny the very fact of such an effect. Not to raise the standard of living we must strive now, and to raise the level of morality. Otherwise, the human mind, coming into conflict with the laws of nature, can begin the process of self-destruction of mankind. But the cause of death will not flood, and fire, began to show signs of it everywhere. Each of us has a real opportunity to influence all the processes. It is this simple idea is the basis of all the teachings of antiquity.
Posted on: Wed, 17 Jul 2013 09:57:08 +0000

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