Scripture states plainly that woman are not to be placed in - TopicsExpress


Scripture states plainly that woman are not to be placed in positions of authority. This is for a very good reason. It was the woman that Satan went after and was fooled by him. It wad woman who did not trust God and gave her servant to her husband to give a son who ended up being the scourge of society and Christianity to this day. The Arabs and Muslims. This is the very reason Obama tries to gain support of the females in his campaign. they are easy o turn and will deceive and lie to protect their desire as many of those spoke persons for Obama. Here is an example for you! Yesterday my Neice let their dog out, and the collar battery was dead. The dog got into the road and was standing there as a car approached driven by a woman. Keep in mind the dog was standing in the road. The woman driver keep her speed and hit the dog. After said that she thought the dog was going to move and did not expect it to stay their as she approached. It is woman who will remove your freedom and rights because they believe they know better. This is what the healthcare bill will look like when it is finished and the female community decides it will care for all. It will roll over our society changing it forever, leaving many dead in its wake. This is exactly why Obama has chosen to go after the female vote. With the vote of woman he can implement all his controls as he justifies them by saying it is good for you, no matter how bad or how twisted the view of his right to do so. By using the female desire to fix and protect he can justify gun control as he removes the protection from the woman in their lives But this should be expected from a bunch of feminist who beleive it is their right to kill because it is in their body. With that kind of logic a man should be able to remedy his relationship problems in the same manner. We are in serious problems as a society being preyed on by the enemies of Christianity and Religious freedom. Infiltrated by every deviant group with intent to soften their image and twist out organizations to their own use. If we do not honor the word of God and abide in him as he in us we will not only fail as a society. But miss the saving grace he has offered to us if we abide in him to the end. Hate me if you wish but you must admit that scripture is correct to the very smallest details. You can not hide from facts and truth
Posted on: Wed, 23 Oct 2013 12:03:59 +0000

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