Second American Revolution Declared Nov. 19, 2013 – Will You - TopicsExpress


Second American Revolution Declared Nov. 19, 2013 – Will You Join? Earlier this week, Larry Klayman, an attorney who served in the Justice Department when Ronald Reagan was president, organized a gathering of The Reclaim America Now coalition which is composed of a number of organizations including 2 Million Bikers to D.C., Accuracy in Media, Freedom Watch, Gun Owners of America, Jihad Watch, Tea Party Patriots and the Western Center for Journalism. Addressing the patriotic crowd of about 200 people that gathered at Lafayette Park, across from the White House, Klayman told the audience that Nov 19 should be known as the start of the Second American Revolution, saying: “We the People have had enough of the corrupt and incompetent ways of the Obama administration and its bipartisan political enablers. It is time for action, not words.” Klayman was not advocating violence, but a peaceful revolution that all Americans could participate in: “In the style of Gandhi, Martin Luther King Jr. and others who have changed history and reclaimed freedom, Americans have no choice – as the three branches of government have completely abdicated their representation of citizens’ complaints.” Also speaking at the gathering was former Sen. Gordon Humphrey (R-NH) who told the crowd that the Obama administration has more power than Hitler’s SS, the Stasi of the former East German government and the Russian KGB : “We are on the doorstep of tyranny, and that is not an overstatement.” “It is our goal to roll back this incipient tyranny and re-establish freedom for generations to come.” “We want accountability, Mr. President, and, by God, sooner or later, we are going to get it.” Probably the most popular speaker at the gathering across from the White House was Retired Navy Admiral James Lyons. He spoke about the Rules of Engagement being used against our troops in Afghanistan and how the current administration is weakening our military and sending them to Afghanistan to be sacrificed and not to win. Missing from the rally was Retired Army Major General Paul E. Vallely, who is busy speaking across the country calling for the immediate forced resignations of President Barack Obama, Vice President Joe Biden, Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-NV), Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY), House Speaker John Boehner (R-OH), and House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (D-CA). In an interview with WND, Vallely said he is calling for protests and rallies nationwide. He also told them that peaceful civil uprisings are possible. When asked about the impeachment of Obama, he said that due to partisan politics that it is not an option at this time. In his interview, he said: “Our federal government continues down the path of destroying America. Americans must now stand up and put America back on the right track.” “And we call to action all branches of government to do your constitutional duties and not be led astray in the cultural and moral decay of America. We have witnessed far too many lies, deception and the corruption of the republic.” “The battle is on, and we shall not retreat.” I totally agree with Klayman, Humphrey, Lyons and Vallely. It is time for a Second American Revolution or American Revolution 2 where the people overthrow the tyranny of the federal government. It has become an all-consuming entity that cares nothing for the US Constitution, law or the people. It only thrives to feed its own greedy appetite and it’s time for the American people to lop of its head before it completely devours and ruin us. We accomplish this through a variety of peaceful means, but it has to start with YOU the people who need to make YOUR voices heard loud and clear. It’s time to make a decision of whether you are going to stand up and fight for the America we are losing or sit on your lazy butt while it is destroyed, never to return. I want you to think about the words that John Adams wrote to his wife Abigail in a letter dated July 7, 1775. Burn these words into your heart and mind because they are true and we are at that point of history of proving him right, if we sit by and do nothing: “Our consolation must be this, my dear, that cities may be rebuilt, and a people, reduced to poverty, may acquire fresh property. But a constitution of government, once changed from freedom, can never be restored. Liberty once lost, is lost forever.” “When the people once surrender their share in the Legislature, and their right of defending the limitations upon the Government, and of resisting every encroachment upon them, they can never regain it.” [John Adams, Letter to Abigail Adams, 7 July, 1775, Charles Francis Adams Ed., Letters of John Adams Addressed to his Wife, Charles Little and James Brown, Boston, MA, 1841, pp.
Posted on: Fri, 22 Nov 2013 20:01:07 +0000

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