Secrets of love What are the Secrets of love? There’s a - TopicsExpress


Secrets of love What are the Secrets of love? There’s a beautiful story that tells how a man and a woman randomly pass each other on a street and how they each have an overpowering intuition that the other is the perfect partner for them. As they do a double- take of their emotions, they turn around and look back at each other; and when they see one another looking at the other they each smile. They somehow muster the strength to mouth the word “hello’, then the courage to stop and speak to one another. They end up walking and talking. They get along perfectly! It seems too perfect, too good to be true. Their own self- doubts creep into the conversation. So to make sure they’re supposed to truly be together, they decide to part without exchanging contact details and let fate decide if they meet again. They agree that if their paths do cross again that they’ll marry on the spot. Days pass, weeks pass and turn into months ,then years as they don’t pass each other. They eventually go out with other people; others who are not their true love, but who provide some convenient sort of romantic love. Many years later they pass each other on the street again. But so much time has gone by and things have changed that they don’t even recognize one another. Their moment, their chance to connect and live a life of true love had passed. The story, initially by Japanese author Haruki Murakami, has changed a bit in the translation but still highlights how you have to be brave, to trust your intuition and to smile.You have to get out and get up the courage to speak to someone whom may be the love of your life. If you don’t, you’ll never know. What have you to lose? If you speak up only to find that person isn’t the love of your life you’ve probably still learnt something and better know what you’re looking for in a partner.You may walk by such people each month, maybe even each week; people that you’re not just attracted to physically, people with whom you sense there’s something more. Turn around and smile! What to look for True love is more than something physical, more than something romantic, emotional or even mental – it’s all of these combined. This means you shouldn’t seek someone whom you’re just physically attracted to. Rather, look for a partner whose energy adds to yours – and yours to theirs – to find true love. A good friend summed this up when he said he was ”looking for a partner who made him feel alive”, who made his energy “tingle” when he was next to them.
Posted on: Tue, 27 Aug 2013 11:05:04 +0000

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