Secular movements in other nations around the world were being - TopicsExpress


Secular movements in other nations around the world were being quashed by religious groups funded by earthly men intent not so much on spreading the word, but on gaining power. Their template lay in the history of phenomena like the Holy Roman Empire and its Crusade and the European colonization of the Americas. This fraudulent religious endeavor was supported quite readily by European and American transplants to the land of Palestine, where barely thirty years previous the Zionist movement had terrorized their way to obtaining a land grant stolen from those who already lived there. Furthermore, and probably more importantly, it was supported by a growing Christian fundamentalist movement led by men like Jerry Falwell in the United States. This latter group’s reading of their holy book believed that the end of times they so desired depended on an Israel reborn on earth; and Israel built on the bodies of Palestinians who dared to live in the Holy Lands. So, here we are. Over forty years since the beginning of the West’s latest Crusades against their Abrahamic brethren whose last prophet whose name was Mohammed. Almost seventy years since the western governments endorsed an illegal and immoral occupation of Palestine by their Jewish citizens–an occupation done in an attempt to assuage their shame in allowing the Nazi murders of all too many Jews. The bloody and brutal occupation of Palestine and the endless war against nations composed primarily of Muslim believers has once again brought its collateral damage to a great western city with the horrific murders of seventeen people in Paris. And, once again the Crusaders in London, Paris, Washington, Tel Aviv and other metropolises of the imperial world are calling for more repression, more war, and, quite obviously, no end to the ongoing idiocy undertaken in the name of civilization. Religion, like usual, is claimed by the State and its forces just like it is utilized against them.
Posted on: Tue, 13 Jan 2015 00:13:29 +0000

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