Seeing Gone With The Wind today on the big screen was such a - TopicsExpress


Seeing Gone With The Wind today on the big screen was such a marvelous thrill. I have seen it that way before, but never has a movie I have seen so many times (and know practically by heart) made me so happy. It is a masterpiece of epic proportions and is quintessential movie making. Every member of the cast is exquisite and the print that was shown was so clear and colorful that it just made all of their performances that much brighter. Vivien Leigh gives the MOST significant performance by any actress on the screen and Hattie McDaniel is an economic comedic and dramatic genius, stealing every scene she is in no matter how short. It is no wonder these women took the highest honor film bestows. Clark Gable is at his highest powers as an actor and Olivia DeHaviland reeks of such truth you would swear she IS Melanie Hamilton. If one of these amazing 75th Anniversary screenings is happening in your hometown, PLEASE go and experience it this way. Thank you Jeremy Triggsand GWTW virgin Christopher Anthony Velasco for coming with me today.
Posted on: Mon, 29 Sep 2014 06:08:47 +0000

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