Self-acceptance is a big deal for everyone. Because so many men - TopicsExpress


Self-acceptance is a big deal for everyone. Because so many men (and women) choose fad diets and/or (on the extreme end of things) physique competitions to force themselves to an unsustainable level of leanness/hardness, so many also fight a battle with themselves over and over again when biology asserts its wondrous self and the weight comes back on. You do have a choice: you can fight how you are and exist in miserable struggle for your ENTIRE life, or you can choose to accept and live, love, laugh, cry, dance, and celebrate life to its fullest ALL THE TIME, not just when the mirror or the scale says you can. People only think youve let yourself go if you put out that vibe into the world and give them permission. Make no mistake: those around you also suffer when youre in this struggle, and they pay a price. What you do not release YOU WILL PASS ON. Do you want that legacy for your children? And what you resist, PERSISTS. Accept and allow your body to settle into exactly where it is meant to be (and, yes, it is meant to move and be nourished--not numbed--by food). There is NOTHING inherently wrong with being fit, watching your diet, or competing if these pursuits come from a place of self-fulfilment and not self-punishment/denial. To steal from Sir Edmund Hilary (and paraphrase him), why did I want to step on stage at one time? Because the stage was there. And also to force myself to get ripped, if I’m being completely honest. Do I regret competing? No, not for a second. That experience taught me more about myself in a few short years than I’d learned in the previous several decades. But if competing or your pursuit of a fit body takes away from your life and fractures your sense of self, leaving you in a worse place than you were in before you started, it might be time to ease off the throttle a bit. Fitting into some smaller pants is not reality if it’s fleeting and something you’re always chasing but never able to grasp with any permanence. Reality is wherever you are right now, which is, of course, constantly changing and always in flux. Whatever youre searching for, longing for, praying for, hoping for… you will not find it in a bag of chips or a tub of Nutella; NOR will you find it in a posing suit, another inch on your biceps, or in those size 2 or 4 jeans. Wherever you go, there you are. Make your journey about connections and relationships, including the most important relationship there is: the one you have with yourself. Health and fitness are components of a full life, not the sole guarantors. Remember to never give up: be ALL you can be!
Posted on: Fri, 21 Mar 2014 07:04:39 +0000

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