September 1~ 1971 - Two teenage boys, Day and Brown, in Solihull, - TopicsExpress


September 1~ 1971 - Two teenage boys, Day and Brown, in Solihull, West Midlands, England reported witnessing a crescent or curved flying object at 10:40 p.m. It was yellowish-white in color, and it hung in the sky for five minutes, then went into many little pieces, as bright as the big object had been. There were many other reports that night from Staffordshire, Nottinghamshire, and Buckinghamshire, and there was a close encounter of the second kind in Great Bourton, England. (Sources: Mrs. K. Smith, BUFORA Journal, 19720116; Flying Saucers magazine, March 1972, p. 12). 1974 - At 10:45 a.m., while driving a combine to harvest his rape crop on a rainy morning on his farm five miles northwest of Langenburg, Saskatchewan, Canada farmer Edwin Fuhr, age 36, noticed a metallic dome-shaped object about 50 feet away and stopped to investigate. Walking to within 15 feet of it, Fuhr saw that it was spinning and swirling the grass beneath it. This frightened him and he backed away. Climbing back on the harvester, he looked around and saw four more identical domes like brushed stainless steel arranged in a rough semi-circle, all hovering and spinning 12 to 18 inches above the ground. At this point he could not get the throttle and steering wheel of the swather to respond. One object suddenly took off, quickly followed by the other four, ascending in a step formation. At about 200 feet they stopped, each emitting a puff of gray vapor from exhaust-like extensions at the base. The vapor extended about six feet, followed by a downward gust of wind which flattened the rape in the immediate area. The objects then formed a straight line, hovered for a minute or two, and then suddenly ascended into the low cloud cover and disappeared. There were five rings of depressed grass swirled in a clockwise fashion at the landing sites.There was no evidence of heat or burning. Some additional circles were found in the area later that month. Fuhr later learned that cattle in a nearby field had bellowed and broken through a fence about the time of the sighting. Royal Canadian Mounted Police Constable Ron Morier, quoted by Canadian Press, said: Something was there and I doubt it was a hoax. Theres no indication anything had been wheeled in or out and Mr. Fuhr seemed genuinely scared. Later Morier told an investigator, There is no way that this is a hoax....Whatever was in there, it came out of the air and departed the same way, as far as I could tell. (Sources: Edmonton Journal, September 4, 1974; J. Allen Hynek & Jacques Vallee, The Edge of Reality, p. 265; Ted R. Phillips, MUFON UFO Symposium 1975, p. 105; UNICAT, case 467; Richard H. Hall, The UFO Evidence, Volume II: A Thirty-Year Report, pp. 18, 264, 281; John R. Colombo, UFOs over Canada: Personal Accounts of Sightings and Close Encounters, p. 213). 1976 - Early in the morning at around 4:00 a.m. a man had gone to feed some sheep he kept in a small shed on his property in Almusafes, Valencia, Spain, when he observed a low level bright white light moving slowly over some nearby trees. The light abruptly reversed direction and descended into a field near some orange bushes, and next to the town cemetery. The white light went out revealing a dark circular object with a central flashing red light, sitting in the field 97 meters away. Shortly later, the witness saw a very tall, heavy set human-looking figure appear, and he started to become very apprehensive. The being was wearing a shiny black helmet and a silvery outfit. It took several steps, but with difficulty, as if almost losing its balance with every step. After ten minutes the figure vanished. Finally, the object became fiery orange in color and shot up into the sky at fantastic speed. Ground traces and animal reactions were reported, including a report that some of the sheep later died.(Sources: UNICAT, case # 500; Albert S. Rosales, Humanoid Contact Database 1976, addition # 96, citing Vicente-Juan Ballester Olmos & Fernandez Peri, Enciclopedia de Los Encuentros Cercanos con Ovnis, p. 91). 1978 - Shortly after 8:00 p.m. in Llanerchymedd, Anglesey, Wales several villagers, including a man hunting rabbits, watched a bright white light descend slowly behind a new housing estate. Other independent witnesses saw a large silvery sphere above a field, and watched the cows panic and neighborhood dogs start barking furiously. A woman and her young daughter looked out and saw three tall men in gray uniforms with caps or helmets attached to their suits walk across the field. She ran to the village to find some other witnesses. At around 10:00 p.m. many Welsh towns, including Wrexham, Ruabon, Prestatyn, and Colwyn Bay reported UFO sightings to police. (Sources: FSR, September 1979, p. 16; Richard Hall, The UFO Evidence, Volume 2: A Thirty Year Report, pp. 281, 491; David F. Webb & Ted Bloecher, HUMCAT: Catalogue of Humanoid Reports, case A1961; Robert Gribble, MUFON UFO Journal, issue # 245, UNICAT, case # 79). 1979 - While driving on I-80 near Stroudsburg, Pennsylvania at around 11:00 p.m. a witness reported a disc that flew to the west for two minutes, then turned and flew off to the north. It made no noise, and had lit windows around its perimeter with a slow rotation.
Posted on: Mon, 01 Sep 2014 11:38:15 +0000

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