September 21, 2013 For : The Republic of the Philippines From : - TopicsExpress


September 21, 2013 For : The Republic of the Philippines From : General Rafael Boles Clarete – IPC Subject : My Consultancy Fee, is Just $ 10 Million U.S. Dollars My works that are “Related” to the Philippines – National Security, and Nati...onal Interest, Demands “Consultancy Fee’s.” There is No Such Things - as “A Free Ride on National Defense and Any Matters of National Interest,” - Works and Services, are “Paid in the Most acceptable, International Norms” - of - “Consultancy fee’s.” The Philippines – Maintains Embassies in the United States, which are costing Millions of Dollars annually, and Also – maintains, “Consultant firms” to do their ( PR ) Public Relations for them, another Millions of Dollars annually, Philippines also maintains “Lobbyist,” to Lobby on the U.S. – Congress for US-Military- AID’s and U.S.-Humanitarian- AID’s for the Philippines – these are works that Results, “Can Not be Seen and Verified” by the Filipino People, an absence of “Transparency and Accountability,” on Another Millions of Dollars annually from the Filipino People. The Philippines, Now, “Realizing the Needs” of U.S. – Protections is “Just One Thing,” The other is, “Convincing and Inviting” the U.S. To Help the Philippines, is “The Worse and The Hardest Thing” To do. For this are “the Facts and History” that the Philippines – “Kicked Out” “The United States - Naval and Military Bases” – in the Philippines, These, The American People, and The United States Congress, – “Can Not Forget it.” This is the same “U.S. Congress” – That “Authorizes U.S. War’s and Funding for War’s” = Example of this, is the U.S. Congress – Recent “Disapproval” on the WAR’s on SYRIA. by U.S. President Barack Obama, this is How.? The Democracy - Works in The United States. *Now, Philippines, “This was,.. and is,”… - Your – Biggest hurdle to invite the U.S.- Back..? This is – What makes “My Work’s so – (ViP) Very Important Person,” To - You – Philippines, and A Lot of Reasons that are already posted here in My Facebook wall, that I, need Not elaborate. My Works – was “instrumental” in The U.S. Congressional – approval of The U.S. “Pivot” to the Pacific and “Rebalancing” ASIA – 2012 as Reported by the U.S. Congressional Report Services. The Philippines, and The ASEAN – Nations, Would have been in “Your Worse Situations” by Now, Had I, Not made “My Works” of 2011 - Against All the Odds of “Negative Comments and Insults.” on “Inviting and Persuading” the U.S. to “Balanced the Power’s” in Asia. *Without My Works, How very Scary, your situations could have been by Now. Now, 2013 – “Results have Proven Me Right,” All of You My Friends, / Philippines / A.F.P., / Mindanao / and The ASEAN’s, are = “Now, Benefiting” from = “The U.S. - Pivot and Rebalancing - ASIA.” ** So Now, Philippines, “Time to Pay My Consultancy Fee’s.” Collection Time. My Consultancy Fee, is just $ 10 Million U.S. Dollars. Why this Amount? Answer = One U.S. Jet Fighter Plane, cost $ 100 Million Dollars Plus, and is just a fraction of The Whole U.S. – Armada of Battle Ships, and U.S. Jet fighter Planes, that are “Now, or Will be” assigned on The U.S. “Pivot” and “Rebalancing” ASIA. The $ 10 Million U.S. Dollars, Consultancy Fee = is “Only a Fraction” of the “Billion’s of U.S. - Naval and Military Assets” to Help the ASEAN – Nations, that includes – You- Philippines, for the “U.S.- Naval / Military Station” of the “Pivot and Rebalancing” ASIA. Is “Your Neighbor” The Republic of Mindanao – 2012. This is, What? - You – Philippines, is “Paying For My Services” of “Bridging the Gap” between the U.S. and the Philippines, for Your National Defense and Protection against CHINA. Philippine President “P-noy” Aquino, Bring this “Subject of My Consultancy Fee’s” to the Philippine Senate and Philippine Congress, Let them discuss and debate on wither, The Philippine Government Should “Pay My Consultancy Fee’s or Not”..? Publish the Results on The Philippine National Papers, For your - “Transparency and Accountability and For Me,”- that the Mindanaoan’s and the Filipino People and All My Friends, Exposing “My Net Worth,” and “My Assets” that All comes from “My Consultancy Fee’s.” *I have Worked it, so Hard - that I Deserved it. *So All, can Understand that “My Assets,” Did Not - come from “Pork Barrels” nor “Corruptions” on Mindanao’s Future Projects. Philippine President “P-Noy” Aquino, do this ASAP.. Before The U.S. President Barack Obama – Planned visit to the Philippines - Next Month, October 2013, and be Prepared To Answer Questions ? 1.) Re: The Republic of Mindanao 2012 - The U.S. Newest Economic Partner in ASIA, and The “U.S. Pivot Point to Balanced” the Power’s in ASIA..2013 - 2014 and Forward. 2.) I am very sure that the U.S. President Barack Obama will ask you similar questions, Re: My Consultancy Fee’s? For He, is very much “aware and involved” since 2011 in the “Planning and Pushing” to the U.S. – Congress, The U.S. “Pivot” to the Pacific and “Rebalancing” Toward ASIA. That was “Approved” by The U.S. Congress 2012. Posted by the U.S. Congressional Report Services - 2012 ( Obama’s “Baby Project” – since 2011 ) 3.) An Advice to You - Philippines, it is The Philippines, “That Needs” the U.S. Naval and Military Assistance, “Not” The U.S. “Needing - Philippines” because The U.S. – “Has Already” The Republic of Mindanao as “The U.S. Pivot Point” in ASIA. So Philippines, it is “Best for You,” to Join Mindanao in “Welcoming” the U.S. in Mindanao. General Rafael Boles Clarete, IPC Commander in Chief and Chairman - IPC International Police Commission – IPC IPC – USA United Nations – NGO Consultative Status with the Economic and Social Council ( UN-ECOSOC ) since 2006 The Interim President of The Republic of Mindanao 2012See More
Posted on: Sun, 29 Sep 2013 16:37:03 +0000

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