Sergey Lavrov Tells It as It Is: The Minsk Protocol and Kievs Laws - TopicsExpress


Sergey Lavrov Tells It as It Is: The Minsk Protocol and Kievs Laws Ought to Be Implemented It is pretty much official. Putins government has made its decision on the May 11 referenda in Donetsk and Lugansk and on what respecting the will of the people means in this case. 1. Russias Foreign Ministry stated on September 17 that the law unilaterally adopted by the Kiev junta regarding special status for the Donetsk and Lugansk regions is positive and provides the basis for the launch of a substantial constitutional process in Ukraine. Moscow also said that ANY attempts to prevent the law from coming into force ... might worsen the situation in the countrys south-east and undermine international and local politicians’ efforts to solve the crisis. 2. Sergey Lavrov himself went on record (Russias Foreign Ministrys official site): We proceed from the assumption that ALL provisions of [the Minsk Protocol] should be meticulously met. (Interview by Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov with Russia Beyond the Headlines, Rossiyskaya Gazeta’s supplement to Spain’s El Pais, September 17) 3. While Lavrov and hence Russia is insisting on complete implementation of the Minsk Protocol, that is, all its provisions, he, however, wonders: We see the new round of EU sanctions against our country, which came into force on 12 September, as a response by Brussels to the results of the Minsk meeting of the Contact Group on Ukraine [and the Minsk Protocol]– a response that is totally out of synch with reality. (Ibid.) 4. Lavrov then continued: We regret that our Western partners [cannot make] an in-depth analysis of the internal socio-political processes in [Ukraine]. (Ibid.) 5. Did Lavrov himself make such a socio-political analysis? 6. The ceasefire is observed as well as the truth and Novorossiyas act of self-determination. 7. On this topic Lavrov said: We note that the ceasefire has been generally observed, although there are isolated incidents ... The Kiev authorities are assuring us that they have no plans to disrupt the ceasefire. (Ibid.) 8. Why should diplomats be telling the truth? 9. The next day, on September 18, just one day before the next meeting in Minsk, Lavrov declared: But in general our assessment and the assessments of our colleagues in other countries, including the European Union, is that the ceasefire is holding and the incidents that are still occurring should gradually stop. ... The Defence Minister would do well ... [not to] air speculations about arms from NATO countries flowing into Ukraine, something the members of the Alliance themselves deny. Lets deny it together (Opening remarks and answers to media questions by the Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov at a joint press conference after a meeting with the Chairperson of the African Union Commission Nkosazana Dlamini-Zuma, Addis-Ababa, 17 September 2014) 10. So, besides reasserting Ukraines sovereignty, that is, the Nazi juntas sovereignty, that is, US and NATO sovereignty over Novorossiya and the millions of Russians there, what exactly does the juntas law on local self-management of special regions in Donetsk and Lugansk mean? 11. An interesting thing has been noted. After the law on special regions and special order in Donbass was adopted by the Verkhovna Rada, its text in Article 1 was tacitly changed, yet some people noticed that. According to the original text Article 1, special order is being introduced for local self-management in individual regions of the Donetsk and Lugansk regions ... which are [will be] determined by a decision of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine. Thats how the law was adopted by the parliament. The next day, when the law was published, instead of the decision of the Verkhovna Rada, it read: as [will be] determined by a decision of the director of the Anti-Terrorist Center with the Security Service of Ukraine ... Согласно этому Закону временно, на три года со дня вступления в силу этого закона, вводится особый порядок местного самоуправления в отдельных районах Донецкой и Луганской областей, к которым принадлежат районы, города, поселки, села в пределах территории, определенной решением руководителя Антитеррористического центра при Службе безопасности Украины (далее – отдельные районы Донецкой и Луганской областей) 12. Point? In the guise of limited, local self-management, which requires disarming and disbanding of the Army of Novorossiya (a pre-condition for the amnesty), financial control over Donbass by Kiev, and new elections, which will replace the current terrorists with real people (as Poroshenko said it on September 17), the junta legislated a military dictatorship for Donbass.
Posted on: Fri, 19 Sep 2014 02:04:34 +0000

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