[Setting: Hotel lobby, Winhill Time: 5 p.m. Characters: Rinoa, - TopicsExpress


[Setting: Hotel lobby, Winhill Time: 5 p.m. Characters: Rinoa, Squall] Wed like to check-out. Room 25. Sure, sir. I hope you enjoyed your stay. Let me see. (checks stuff on computer) Okay, you already paid when you booked. May I have the keys back? Sure. (hands the room keys) Good evening. Good evening! (sighs) I dont wanna go... Yes, youve said that about 12 times today. (takes the two suitcases from her hands) Because I dont want to. You shouldve prepared yourself, you always knew it was only for a week. Why are you so meaaan?! Im saying that the week has been so amazing and I dont want it to end, and youre like (deepens her voice and imitates him cynically) You shouldve bleh its over deal with it bleh. Stop that! Im not mean, Im realistic. If you dont start moving well miss the train. They start walking to the station. Its been years and you still contain some of the cold and careless side of yours. /Realistic/ side of mine. Its who I am. Its not gonna change. (makes fun of him) Wewawistic side ow mine. Right. Im just thankful that youre not whatevering me when I say I love you. That would be rude. Woah, so you know that! ... I wanted to walk to the station so we could spend some more nice time together. But youre moody. Im not moody at all. Its been an amazing week. Thank you for that. But I dont see why I should cry that its ending. Besides, its not over yet. You dont need to cry, you couldve said these nice things earlier... Better later than never. (shakes head) have it your way... Follow me. Squall leads her to a seaside nearby, not a real beach, just seaside. Nobodys around naturally. He puts down the suitcases hes been carrying and smiles at Rinoa. ...what? Why are we here? Wont we be late for the train? I lied to you. The train is for 6 p.m. not 5.30. ...and? And... (lifts her up and carries her) it means we can take a moment for ourselves. (smiles confusedly) O-kaay? (starts walking to the sea) And we can hark back to our first date. (steps in the water, and keeps walking) (looks down at the water) You aree nooot seriouuuus! (grins) Are we gonna swim? Isnt it cold?! Oh I am serious. I remember how you made us sick so we couldnt meet for a week. This time at least we have towels and dry clothes we can change into. (keeps walking as the water rises above his waist level) Its touching my butt! COLD! (giggles) Aww, I dont want that butt to freeze. (Puts her on his shoulder, pats her butt and keeps walking) There there. Ahaha! (Makes ripples on the water with her index finger) Youre amazing! Oh arent I? (When the water reaches his chest, suddenly but lightly throws Rinoa into water and dives after her) Ahh~! (Flips her hair back and rubs eyes) This is great! Im freezing! (Giggles and starts shivering lightly) (Rises to the surface) Shaking, yet? (Embraces her and kisses her forehead) Aaaa-a-ah too cold! (Takes off her jumper so shes only with a tank top now) Ill hold this. Throw it. (Takes off his jumper as well, leaving himself half naked) We cant be sane. (Drops it in the water) Lets swim. (Holds her hand and swims further) For about ten minutes more or less, they swim, splash water, dive and play around. Im gonna die! So freezing! (Visibly shakes but giggles as well, hugs herself) (Chuckles) Two and a half years ago we were like this again. (While shes still hugging herself, he embraces her again and gazes into her eyes) All these years and my love for you only grew bigger. S-qu-all-ll-ll... He then lowers his one hand down to her hips and kisses her passionately for a while, feeling his beloved shaking happily in his arms. When theyre done making out, Rinoa smiles widely and looks into his eyes, and strokes his cheek. This was m-much better than our first date. I guess so. (Carries her out the sea) You m-might call in sick t-tomorrow. (lies down on the grass and lays her above himself in his arms, embracing) Maybe. Im not feeling like Ill be sick though. But youll-ll have to t-take care of me. (Smiles) Lets change clothes. Youre shaking too much, Ill help you change. Squall takes out a towel, undies and clothes for her from one of the suitcases. He first takes off her tank top, and attempts to take off her bra but she reacts. I can do that! (Smiles) Let me. Theres nothing I havent seen there. N-no look away. Give me the towel and the d-dry one. Fine. (Turns away) Help me hook this up. He hooks her bra, then changes her clothes completely -even though she reacts the same way for her panties,- towels her hair with care as if hes attending to a baby. After shes done, goes to get their jumpers and shoes which washed up to the shore already. Then changes himself and packs up all the wet clothes. There we go. Are you okay? Need a jacket? Hug me. (Snuggles inside his unzipped jacket) (Smiles) Alright. So they start walking slowly like that to the station again as the clock hits 5.36 ...
Posted on: Mon, 24 Nov 2014 03:47:32 +0000

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