[Setting: House Time: 8 p.m. Characters: Rinoa, Squall] Rinoa - TopicsExpress


[Setting: House Time: 8 p.m. Characters: Rinoa, Squall] Rinoa shouts from the bedroom to Squall, whos sitting around the table in the living room and attenting to some papers. Squall! I need you here~ Im busy. But its important!~ What is it? (Puts his pen down) You need to see for yourself!~ (Sighs and goes to the bedroom) What is- (stops and stares at Rinoa) Come here, I need you~ (pulls him inside by his hands) W-why are you in undies? And what are those... are those new? Yeah. (Sits down on the bed and crosses legs) Since you like red, I thought it would be nice to have some red lingerie~ (Stares at her legs and chest) Uh... laces, too... (shakes head) Arent you on your PMS? Youll get cold, put on something. (Starts walking away) No no~ (stands up and hugs him from behind) Im not. So stay. Rinoa... (shakes head) Of all days you pick today? (Curiously) Why? Im busy. I need to finish these by tomorrow. Its about the SeeD exam, I need to double check the results the instructors brought. Wha?! Why didnt you do that at work?! I was busy field training students, had no time for paperwork. Besides... I thought Id keep myself busy at home since you were... never mind. Sorry. This isnt a good time. (Walks to the door) (Disappointed) Really?! So thats... so youll just work?! (Turns to her) I have to. Bad timing. (Goes to the living room) 10 minutes later Squall... (approaches him) When are you gonna be finished? I dont know. This is taking long. (Looks at her) So you decided to wear your pajamas? Good call. Yeah... for now... (wraps arms around his neck from behind) Cant you put this off? (Talks very low close to his ear) For a little while~ half an hour is fine~ (lightly bites on his earlobe) Rin... Rinoa, I cant. (Gently pushes her away) Half an hour would be fine, but I wont be able to concentrate on work after you. These are due tomorrow. I dont have time. (Kisses his neck) Really? Can you concentrate now? (Lightly traces the side of his neck with her tongue) I will if you let me. Dont...do that. Why not?~ (nuzzles his cheek slowly) You dont like it? (Pecks it a few times) You dont get it, this is serious. I really cant, just help me out and leave me. (Uncrosses her arms around his neck) When you do this, you just become more desirable. (Walks to the front of him, sits down on the table with him between her legs) Papers! Dont sit on them! (Carefully pulls out the papers beneath her, angry) Youre so careless! Am I~? (holds his collar and pulls him in) Just stop. (Doesnt resist her) Mmf~ Rinoa starts kissing him wildly, very wildly that Squall drops all the papers to the floor and slowly grabs her butt. Then with his help Rinoa slides from the table to his lap. Rino- hnn... Rinoa tightly wraps her arms around his neck, causing him to come in even closer. Nh! Rn! (Suddenly undoes her arms and lightly pushes her away) Stop. Seriously. (Takes a deep breath) Youre doing a really bad thing to me. Not helping at all. You MUST understand that I- Squall is silenced by Rinoas lips. She tangles the back of his head, and keeps him close by force for a few minutes until she pulls away suddenly, leaving Squall somewhat dumbstruck. ..? Just come to bed. (Keeps playing with his hair) No... This is important. Am I not important? (Pouts, then starts kissing and nibbling his neck lightly) Youre the most important thing to me. But you can wait. This cant. (Before he finishes his sentence) I cant wait!!! She shouts so loud that even she gets suprised, and a little embarassed while Squall stares at her. Uh... (clears throat) I dont wanna wait... ...you do seem quite helpless... ... But... (stares at the papers on the floor) Squall... (holds his chin and turns his face to herself) ... What should I do? (Smirks) You should listen to me. What did you want again? ...are you really gonna do this? (Sighs) Do what? Okay if you dont want anything... (holds out an arm towards the papers) No no! (Pushes his arm down) Dont. I need you... (looks down at his chest to avert his gaze) For what? (Smirking) ... I missed you. I havent gone anywhere at all. You had no reason to miss me. But...I want you. Hm? What? I couldnt really catch that. I want you. (Blushes) Youre evil for making me say these... Im just trying to understand you completely, is that wrong? (Lifts up her chin so she faces him) Say that again. N-no! (Tries to look away but he forces her chin to stay) Its not too hard. Just say it. Or Ill go back to work. (Sighs desperately) I want you. I really do. Please dont tease me anymore. Mm such a good girl. (Pecks the high part of her left cheek) I missed seeing your pink cheeks. ...(looks down) (Strokes her cheek with the back of his fingers) What do I do with you now... So he strokes her sides and gently teases her neck, enjoying her little noises. Then stands up, lifting her up as well, and together with her walks to the bedroom while kissing her. There, Angelo greets them, barking loudly and angrily. Ah Angelo... just go... (hugs Squall) Yeah, mommy is feeling bad, I need to help her. (Lightly pushes and guides Angelo towards the door using his foot) Dont resist. She resists anyway. Squall leaves Rinoa on the bed, grabs the squirming Angelo and leaves her in the living room. Quickly runs back to the bedroom and locks the door before Angelo can manage to come back. Phew... I think she scratched my hand again. (looks at Rinoa and smirks) Still wearing the red ones? Yeah... (holds out her arms) (Accepts the invitation) Good... Along with all the happy noises from the bedroom, there was another noise coming from the living room. The noise of paper-ripping... ouch.
Posted on: Fri, 28 Nov 2014 02:01:41 +0000

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