Seven Reasons Why Your Body Needs - TopicsExpress


Seven Reasons Why Your Body Needs Mangosteen Mango-what?, you say. Okay. Its alright if you havent heard of this super-fruit yet. Its still relatively new and not something your average grocery store is going to carry. But, it is getting lot of attention right now from those who are in-the-know when it comes to being healthy - including the Mayo Clinic XanGo XALO Mayo Clinic Studies Mangosteen: mymangosteen/ZaynGoHealthWellnessWealth/media_vault.asp?v=75 , Sloan Kettering, The University of California at Berkley and even the American Cancer Society. Before we tell you why you need it, lets help you figure out what it is. First off, its NOT a mango. Nope. Not even close. The MANGOSTEEN is a tiny fruit found in southeast Asia and is about the size of a tangerine. Its purple on the outside and white, sweet and segmented on the inside. In fact, its so delicious that Queen Victoria was rumored to knight anyone who could bring her some! But, its the outside of the fruit - the thick, bitter purple part - that has people talking. Why? Because it is chock full of Xanthones (super powerful phytonutrients). There are about 200 different kinds of xanthones found in nature, each of which have unique and specific functions. The Mangosteen fruit has about 50 different Xanthones and it happens to be the only known edible source of them in the world. Unless youre into eating tree bark... Scientific studies suggest Xanthones may promote healthy bodily function. In fact, the WHOLE Mangosteen fruit, packed with naturally occurring xanthones, may help you with a variety of things. But here are just a few of the reasons why we think YOUR body needs it: 1. Your Heart Will LOVE You For It Your circulatory system, including your heart and blood vessels, are responsible for distributing nutrients to every part of you body. Poor cardiovascular health can lead to all sorts of not fun things. Research shows that the Xanthones in the Mangosteen fruit may support cardiovascular health*. 2. Your Body Was Made to Move Your body has exactly 360 joints and roughly 20 feet of cartilage in it! Taking care of them is crucial to ensuring your bodys ability to move the way you want to throughout your life. Research shows that the Xanthones found in the Mangosteen fruit may support cartilage and joint function*. 3. Do You Know How Crappy it is to Be an Intestine? Yes, pun intended. But seriously. Those guys (the long and the short) are responsible for handling all of the food you put into your body and when they dont feel good, neither do you. Research shows that the Xanthones in the Mangosteen may maintain your intestinal health*. 4. Breathing is Fun to Do - YEAR Round Research shows that the Xanthones found in the Mangosteen may help promote a healthy seasonal respiratory system*. Because we all know that aint nobody got time for an unhealthy respiratory system! 5. Who Doesnt Want a Better Metabolism? Your metabolism defines how your body regulates energy, i.e. calories. Research shows that the Xanthones in the Mangosteen may help promote a healthy metabolism*. Yay! 6. Sick of Being Sick? The average person experiences illness two to three times a year. That may not seem like much but each episode can last anywhere from a day to even a week or TWO. Yuck. Research shows that the Xanthones in the Mangosteen may support the immune system* 7. Anti-oxidants are Awesome! Free Radicals are constantly bombarding our bodies in an attempt to steal and/or force unwanted electrons on us, thereby damaging our cells, protein and DNA. Basically, free-radicalls are all a bunch of jerks. Research shows that the Xanthones found in the Mangosteen may neutralize free radicals*. Take that jerks! So, do your body a favor and be like Queen Victoria! Just make sure youre getting your Mangosteen in its WHOLE fruit form so you get the benefit of all those amazing Xanthones. THE 21 DAY CANCER CHALLENGE Mangosteen Juice, along with the bodys own immune and defense mechanisms, has been helpful to many in facing the Challenge of Cancer. This protocol has NOT been scientifically proven. The “21-Day Challenge” proposes that individuals who have critical health issues — such as end stage Cancer — drink a 25 oz or 250ML Milliliters bottle of Mangosteen Juice every day for 21 days. Try buying six boxes of Mangosteen Juice ** PLUS ** drinking at least one gallon (eight 16 oz. glasses) of pure water — such as spring or distilled water — along with the juice, to flush the toxins from the body. Many people have been able to have dramatic effects (along with their own bodys defenses) by consuming less than 1 bottle / day as used in this protocol. Protocol: 1. Drink 1 whole bottle juice (about 25 oz. or 250ML) PER DAY X 21 days – 8 oz. 3X / day with meals 2. PLUS about a gallon water, such as DISTILLED water. It is essential that the recommended amount of water be consumed along with the juice. As the Mangosteen juice is consumed, the cells begin to function normally to clear and release toxins into the blood stream—and these toxins must be eliminated from the body. The rule of thumb for water consumption is 1/2 ounce for every pound body weight For example, if you weight 100 pounds & are not active you would drink 50 ounces of water. To make sure you are drinking all the water you need, find a large pitcher and fill it in the morning, making sure to consume all of the water before evening (refilled as necessary). Otherwise, you will think you’ve had enough water, but in fact, that is seldom the case! (If you are unable to drink the required water, it is better to use less mangosteen juice) VISUALIZATION Your bodys emotions and thoughts play a crucial role in disease – healing and prevention. Here are suggestions (not proven scientifically) to facilitate your visualization process. When you drink the Mangosteen juice 3X / day visualize the juice coating and destroying the cancer cells. As you are drinking at least 8 glasses of water each day as you urinate, visualize the cancer cells leaving the body. Do things that provide you happiness. It has been shown scientifically that negative emotions continue to harm the body, while positive emotions can actually help your body heal. Watch funny movies, get a funny animal, do what you know will make you laugh! Please get back in touch with your contact to get started. * DISCLAIMER: Information and statements regarding dietary supplements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration and are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. Information is provided for informational purposes and is not meant to substitute for the advice provided by your own physician or other medical professional. Please, always consult with your doctor when dealing with serious health challenges. Xanthones have been researched by independent scientists and medical doctors who have no affiliation with any Mangosteen Company. Many of the abstracts of their papers can be found at & pubmed Just enter KeyWords Xanthones & Mangosteen and see what results it brings on the above Websites. Any testimonial you hear or read about is not to suggest that you might have the same reaction. We merely say, Try it and see what benefits you receive. XanGo stands for Xanthones Mangosteen which three letter XAN are derived from xanTHONES and GO two letters derived or taken from the word MANgoSTEEN which is put together to mean XanGo. discovermangosteenfruit ; and, livingbyheart.tripod/sitebuildercontent/sitebuilderfiles/0138.pdf ; and, haveyouheardthenews/category/products/ Wilhelm Nathinge XanGo Mangosteen XALO Independent Distributor Windhoek Namibia Mobile/Cellural: +264811272908 Email: wanathinge@yahoo Email: wnathinge@gmail Email: jantek.nathinge@gmail TO JOIN US LOG-ON ;
Posted on: Wed, 03 Sep 2014 18:27:22 +0000

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