Shadow Control The Shadows exerted control over their servants - TopicsExpress


Shadow Control The Shadows exerted control over their servants just as much as the Vorlons did, but in very different ways. The Vorlons were authoritarian, issuing imperious commands and punishing with pain or force if their servants disobeyed, and using psychological manipulation and deceit to cultivate loyalty. The Shadows, by contrast, prefer to have their servants join them ‘willingly’, even if the servants’ choices were so limited as to be nonexistent. The Techno-Mages were allowed to leave the service of the Shadows and were even supplied with more Techno-Mage implants and chrysalis devices – but the Shadows knew that the technomagic was chaotic in nature so the mages would still carry out the Shadows’ purposes indirectly, and that the Techno-Mages would not dare truly defy them out of fear of losing their supply of technology. The Centauri were asked ‘what do you want?’ and were consequently given the military power they needed to conquer the galaxy – but this made them dependant on the Shadows’ power. Morden was confidently able to tell Londo that he would go away for as long as Londo wanted because he knew that having tasted the darkness, one day the Centauri would call on it again. Morden himself served the Shadows willingly, out of gratitude for them ending the torment of his wife and child. He was tied to them by bonds of honour – he could have walked away from them at any time if it was not for his own sense of love and devotion. The Drakh are bound to the Shadows in a similar way. The Entire springs from the Templeships and influences the Drakh into serving the principles of the Shadows; the Priests on the Templeships control the production of the next generation of Drakh; the Priests’ power stems from the conditions engineered on Draas millennia ago. If some rebellious Drakh warlord tried to rise up against the Shadows, he would lose the support of the Priests and so doom his clan’s future, as the priests control the cloning tanks. If the warlord somehow subverted the Priests, then the other clans would know of this treachery through the Entire. The only way for a truly ambitious Drakh to rise is to align himself with the principles of the Shadows inherent in the Drakh Entire. The more the Drakh struggle to free themselves from Shadow control, the stronger those who serve the Shadows within the Entire become. Councils.
Posted on: Sat, 15 Nov 2014 14:13:21 +0000

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