Shalom Shalom! The V or Vav In YHVH. For thousands of years, - TopicsExpress


Shalom Shalom! The V or Vav In YHVH. For thousands of years, ancient Hebrew was only written with consonants, no vowels. When reading these texts, they had to supply all of the vowels from memory,based on oral tradition. Vowels can make a big difference in various languages, the change of a single vowel can radically change the meaning of a word. We cant translate Hebrew diectly to English because English is als pagan language. In an attempt to solidfy Hebrew to be understood in other languages the translations started having effect on the “correct” readings in Hebrew Scriptures. Adding vowels altered and changed the original meanings. Today the world is confused about what the truth is. With Internet available to all many websites had been published and everyone has their own added version and way of believe or want to believe. Ancient Jews successfully preserved the Scripturuaral vowels through oral tradition alone for thousands of years. The Hebrew text itself remained in context until the translations came into question. Whatever translation we read we know the chance to be mislead are highly possible. No vowel altered Scripture are to believe to be concrete trustworthy. Interpretation and transliterated Scriptures are inconsequential and there are differences between the texts. Dots and dashes (called nikkudot, nikkud in the singular) were created during the time the codex. For example the vowel sound o is represented by a dot placed over a letter. The English word no is in Hebrew lo. In this case the dot above the text, called a hholam, represents the vowel sound o. לֹא The letter shin(ש) represents two different sounds, a sh and an s. To differentiate between these two sounds, a dot is placed above the shin in different locations. For the sh sound, the dot is placed on the right (שׁ) and is called a shin and for the s sound it is placed on the left (שׂ) and called a sin. The name Yeshua means has the meaning Salvation. Yod represents the Y sound in Hebrew. The yod is the smallest letter of the alphabet, which is why Yeshua used it in His famous saying in Matt 5:18: Until heaven and earth pass away not one yod or one kots will pass from the Torah. The Yod looks like the top portion of the Vav. With the vav in the middle of YHVH, we see why God is the Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the end. With the singular V Vav inbetween connect two words Beginning and End. In other words, this truth points out that with only one V that YHVH is One God Therefore we pronounce the Name sounds like Ya Ha vey. VAV is the sixth letter and also indicates the creation completed in the sixth day. Although a J is not found in hebrew text the Y will sound like Ye or Yu or Ya depending of the next letter that follow in a single word. Let us look at the strands of our DNA. The Y chromosome is known as determining gender. Y determines your DNA. The Y Chromosome is the single largest piece of DNA inherited and always coming from the father. Y chromosome contains letters. The women is the X chromosome that looks like the Hebrew Letter Vav (Nail). While the Y chromosome is dominant the X carries the genetics. When a female is formed it is an X chromosome and shaped like a cross. This is one V and not v v. We also look further at how Yahveh stamped His Name in the Human DNA that contains 23 pairs of chromosomes, made up of hydrogen, nitrogen, oxygen, carbon, and their acidic counterparts. Hydrogen becomes the Hebrew letter Yod (Y), nitrogen becomes the letter Hey (H), oxygen becomes the letter vav (V). These substitutions now reveal that the ancient form of YHVH’s name, YHVH, exists as the literal chemistry of our genetic code. The name of Yeshua starts with a Yod. The second syllable of His Name is the sh sound. It is represented by the Hebrew letter shin. The Yod (Y) is symbolic the Right hand of Yahveh. Yeshua is the right hand of Yahveh. Many Hebrew words contain a Yod. We see the Hand of Yahveh in everything! Be blessed and stay blessed.
Posted on: Thu, 02 Oct 2014 21:09:43 +0000

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