Shaykh Saalih al-Fawzaan regarding the ruling upon the - TopicsExpress


Shaykh Saalih al-Fawzaan regarding the ruling upon the Anaasheed: Q: This questioner is asking: Dear Shaykh! What is your opinion regarding the Islaamic Anaasheed, in congregation, without duff or sound effects? Listen to the Audio Clip Answer: We do not know of any basis for them, these are innovations (muhdathah). And if they are attributed to Islaam and they are (called) the “Islaamic Anaasheed”, then this would meant that “Islaam has legislated them”, but rather there is no basis for this (claim). Similarly if these Anaasheed were composed for obedience and nearness (to Allaah), then surely it is from the signs of Sufiyyah as they are the ones who adopted Anaasheed, they (Sufis) took it as a form of worship for Allaah ‘Azza wa Jall. The best result would be that a Muslim should not turn towards them (Anaasheed). Yes the composition of poetry (al-Shi’r) which is beneficial and useful there is no problem with it. One person singing (al-Shi’r) alone (is permissible), not in congregation and not chants in chorus, but rather only one person singing (to himself is permissible). The poetry benefits people and benefit is taken from it just as there were poets at the time of the Messenger of Allaah (may peace and blessings of be upon him). They would recite their poetry (al-shi’r) and the Messenger would listen to them, may peace and blessings of be upon him. And in the same way, at the time of work or boredom from work, they recite about the activity of their work, this is called Anaasheed. These are just short outbursts in between activities whilst working and these chants (of poetry) should not be done in chorus in a unified manner or in dispersed (inshaadiyyah) tones etc. All of these (different styles) are from that which has been innovated and if they are not attributed to Islaam, then it is Lahw, and if it is attributed to Islaam, then it is an innovation (bidd’ah), Yes (proceed). Q: Shaykh (may Allaah preserve you), some people make these Anaasheed a habit; in their car, in their house, with their children, meaning they put all of their time with it. Answer: This is because there is not basis for them (Anaasheed) and because they are a Fitnaa and it is more fitting for them to listen to al-Qur’aan al-Kareem, the recordings of al-Murattal and videos and that contains what will be enough for a person and that which will suffice them and be sufficient for them. And similarly lectures and religious study sessions and one should not waste their time with Anaasheed from which no benefit is taken except delight. muslimfaith.wordpress/2013/08/25/shaykh-saalih-al-fawzaan-regarding-the-ruling-upon-the-anaasheed/
Posted on: Sun, 25 Aug 2013 15:15:29 +0000

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