Show us your Glory You can fight or join forces. Weigh the pros - TopicsExpress


Show us your Glory You can fight or join forces. Weigh the pros and cons! Are your actions getting results or making more problems? How important is it to get that thing off your chest? How will your response help you or your mate? Do you really want greatness in your marriage? If so, get ready to work! Its not for the faint of heart! Marriage creates a different level of toughness in BOTH members. If you want a great marriage you have to be willing to take great measures. There is no room for giving in to dissatisfaction when you are determined for greatness! Your focus will outweigh your feelings. When God sets his approval on a union, there is no other force greater than that which is working on your behalf. Dont be discouraged by what you see because what you dont see is greater and well worth the momentary disappointments. Anything worth having is worth fighting to keep intact! It pleases God when you decide to do marriage HIS WAY! People may call you crazy but how does God see your actions of faith? The issues you have with your spouse may seem impossible to solve. Thats because its not your job to fix it! Thats Gods opportunity to show you both and any spectators what marriage is really about. When you get married you dont lose who you join a winning team where your attributes are desperately needed. So when the stormy winds arise try this..... Calm down, ask God to help you to see what he is trying get out of you or what he is instilling in you. Remember God will use whateva in your life to show someone else himself as a FAITHFUL CARING LOVING GOD!!!! He will use anything he chooses to show his glory even your marriage!
Posted on: Tue, 29 Oct 2013 19:51:26 +0000

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