Siaya Election ....ODM Exposed: Josiaya, Allow me to alert you of - TopicsExpress


Siaya Election ....ODM Exposed: Josiaya, Allow me to alert you of the planned and current ongoing election malpractices, dirty, selfish and greedy tricks by ODM C. This race is not just about winning by Team Oduol but also exposing the lords of impunity who claim to be with the people that they hate see succeed in development 1. Target constituencies where Oduol enjoys very leading support have been earmarked and a group of youth from Nairobi and Kisumu will be poured in those places to cause intimidation and fear on Oduols supporters. This people have capacity to cause harm. Team Oduol respond by not engaging in any political exchange with the hooligans, let your campaign target individuals at their houses and keep off from darkness. Speak to women more and remind them that ODM hooligans representing evil and shame are coming, that they should just keep silent but vote rightly on the Dday. 2. ODM has profiled Siaya voters and has identified women to be the “most ignorant” and “do not understand” the role of governors. They therefore are targeting them with the falsehood about the roles of a governor in protecting RAO, messages of bunduki na risasi, TNA/ODM politics, Kikuyu/Luo politics to buy sympathy rather than spread facts and campaign with a moral agenda. Team Oduol should respond by telling the women how the party has made them poor, how their ignorance and poverty translates into wealth for ODM club of greedy politicians. Take your time and explain to them how the governor is about new life with new projects. Inform them of the billions to come. Further, remind them that the MPs and senators running around are responsible for RAO March 4Th. Tell them of the failures of Rasanga during the time he was in office. Particularly mention the 359 million he never used while our people needed services. The school buses he refused community members should not use. 3. ODM having failed to create a wave for party fanatism last weekend even with the coming of RAO, they have developed a new strategy. They shall have all CORD big men camping in Siaya next weekend. Muthama is to particularly remind Josiaya that this race is about CORD and Jubilee to help create a wave to have Josiaya vote for a party but not individuals. The team is so tensed and disappointed at the fact that party fanatism wave has not picked up. Team Oduol, spread the word to voters. Inform them of CORD leaders coming. Remind them that the outsiders coming have their counties doing best in Kenya. Tell them of Machakos which ranked the best as Siaya ranked 45. Tell the voters to open their eyes, to see to it that other tribes are coming to Siaya to hoodwink us as they grow at their homes. Tell them that we support RAO at National level but not at local level. 4. ODM getting back to its March 4th elections tactics by influencing to have ODM friendly IEBC officials to do what they did best in March 4Th. They have great interest on who is appointed what position. They are working on another rigging plan. They also want to influence the vehicles to be hired by IEBC to be belonging to ODM friendly people. This strategy is being used to target Ugenya and Alego where Oduol enjoys over 70% rating. Team Oduol, lets be on alert. If you know of any ODM MP, county rep or top official taken up by IEBC raise alarm. On the vote count day, Oduols agent to remain on high alert. This is what made Rasanga to be announced as the winner in March while in the real sense he lost to oduol by 80 votes, according to the court recount and as was quoted during the submissions by the defence. 5. Having feared and seen possibility of losing, they asked Hon. Rasanga to file an appeal to the high court ruling so that incase Oduol win, they still have hopes to get back to power through back door should the court of appeal rule in their favour. That would mean Oduol relinquishing the post even after winning next week. Team Oduol, this should not worry you. The case was a strong one and the court of appeal shall rule in our favour. Let’s remind our people that this election is about the poor, needy people of God of Siaya and the wealthy, greedy selfish politicians out to have their relatives in power for it to be the time for their families to eat. Tell them how the current MPs, especially Obur and Jakoy are keen to have a weak Hon. Rasanga in power to enable them fight him off in 2017. They fear a strong governor might be an impediment in 2017. Demonstrate the greed by asking what projects we can point at in Siaya that have been done by those leaders. Question why some of those very filthy rich politicians never even pay school fees to orphans in Siaya, or participate in women or youth group’s development projects. Remind them how the MPs are busy giving ODM monthly party fees that they could use to pay the fees for orphans. Show how the party is a liability to the voters ad how its mismanagement made RAO loose. And it’s now time to vote individuals. Above all, prayn honestly and sincerely to the almighty God, to save Siaya from the cruel hands of party dictatorship as he saved his people from Egypt.
Posted on: Sun, 06 Oct 2013 20:27:04 +0000

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