Since becoming an actual college student, instead of poking the - TopicsExpress


Since becoming an actual college student, instead of poking the idea, Ive become increasingly suspicious of the numbers Im seeing. The rate of tuition versus the amount of FAFSA Im given, versus the convenient amount of money the government is willing to loan me versus how much money I can make without a degree. Then today I found an article that does the math and points out that it is actually impossible to work your way through college flipping burgers or scooping ice cream. It didnt used to be impossible, but it isnt now. theatlantic/education/archive/2014/04/the-myth-of-working-your-way-through-college/359735/ And yet our society places huge emphasis on a college much emphasis that students who cannot afford to go take out huge loans in order to get their credentials--and then spend the rest of their lives in debt. I dont know about you, but I smell a money-making scheme. Why had tuition increased so dramatically? Why is the government so eager to lend money...but not to give more grants to help poor students? Why does society insists upon a system that only bankrupts their members? Who benefits from this system? As the saying goes...follow the money. Its even more chilling when you realize that the money-lenders are also the people with the power to fix prices and control the news, thereby setting social expectations. Call me a conspiracy theorist if you will, but I smell a rat. :P
Posted on: Tue, 06 Jan 2015 19:07:11 +0000

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