Since the outer-world is a reflection of our inner-world, the - TopicsExpress


Since the outer-world is a reflection of our inner-world, the effects of the world appearing to breakdown, is but a projection of the breakdown in the belief structure that is taking place within our individual egoic minds. The beautiful thing about this breakdown, is that it exposes what needs to shift. And the shift is simply this, as I have come to understand it: Life is calling us into a we world, where cooperation, compassion, care, sharing, equality, love, happiness, peace, and kindness become our new measures of success. For that to happen, the old structures that supported the fear driven me world must show that selfishness and greed are no longer sustainable or desirable. Because these institutions have measured their success by the numbers they achieve they must break down under the weight of their own dysfunction. Humanity is shifting, and as we individually awaken out of the idea that we are the temporary stuff that we have accumulated, we will begin to value what matters most: we are ONE body called humanity, destined to recognize that the only thing that will ever truly make us happy is to express love and kindness for one another. And we do this by practicing wellness, educating the whole child, which includes play and imagination, governing with peace as the ultimate goal, preaching that the kingdom of heaven is already, and naturally exists, within each and every one of us, along with creating a more equitable financial system. Because many are waking up to our divine equality, that which perpetuated our differences must continue to breakdown. Although it is uncomfortable to go through, the end result will usher heaven on earth. To learn more about how Im moving through the breakdown of my egooc-mind, please visit my website: LainaOrlando We are magnificent!
Posted on: Wed, 14 May 2014 12:35:48 +0000

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