Since the rest of the media isnt going to report on who really - TopicsExpress


Since the rest of the media isnt going to report on who really showed up to the capital over the weekend, its up to you. Weve added a bunch of great photos of the hard working American families who spent the weekend volunteering their time to clean up the National Mall at #FixUpDC. Beat the media narrative by SHARING this story. “It’s about being authentic, it’s about being real,” Glenn said. “That’s the problem with our country. Who trusts us? Our own people don’t trust us.” Glenn wondered how anyone could even begin to negotiate a deal that would end the government shutdown when the President and his administration wasn’t acting in good faith. He pointed to reports that President Obama had “essentially rejected everything offered by House Republicans leaders in their proposal.” Despite the tough times currently facing the country, Glenn said that things were going to be fine and that we were at a pivotal point in history. “We’re at an amazing point. The whole world is going to change, the system doesn’t work,” Glenn said. “We’re not doing anything worldwide on principle so the West will reset.” He emphasized that there was nothing to be afraid of as long as we all stick together, paraphrasing Benjamin Franklin’s “: We all better hang together or we’ll certainly all hang separately.”
Posted on: Tue, 15 Oct 2013 05:27:19 +0000

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