Sir Syed Ahmed Khan was viewed with great suspicion by many - TopicsExpress


Sir Syed Ahmed Khan was viewed with great suspicion by many Muslims after The War of Freedom 1857. Basically because he didnt want to fight an ordinary battle and because he didnt want Muslims to participate in politics. He wanted them to ignore everything else and concentrate on getting themselves educated. EDUCATION is what he taught, equip yourself with the gift of knowledge and then fight your battle with the pen. Thats what he taught and he was ridiculed. But later, Aligarh Muslim University was the one institution that produced people like Nawabzada Liaqat Ali Khan, Maulana Muhammad Ali Johar, Sardar Abdur Rab Nishtar and numerous others who were an integral part of Tehreek e Pakistan. And today Sir Syed Ahmed Khan is regarded as the person who basically laid the foundation stones of Pakistan by telling us Muslims to EDUCATE ourselves. What is he on about? Is that what youre thinking? Well I am very reluctant on sitting and spending time with my family because they are watching TV and the stuff thats on Pakistans TV Channels (ALL OF THEM - NO EXCEPTIONS) makes me sick to my stomach. It just makes me think what on earth is going on? These people are literally manufacturing our thoughts. Making us believe in the lies and keeping us in the vicious never ending cycle of scandals after scandals after scandals? Every other guy that you meet in Pakistan thinks of themselves as an undisputed expert on politics and religion. These political shows and these unethical comedy shows have made us think of name calling as cool. Where and when did Islam ever teach us to call names and make fun of someone and laugh at someone? And now since everyone at TV is doing it, we think of it as perfectly normal in the name of freedom of speech to make fun of someone. Look at how people pledge allegiances to political parties and fight each other on Facebook and twitter, ridicule each other and whats that doing exactly? Spreading hatred amongst our very ranks and nothing else. Well Sir Syed Ahmed Khan isnt here anymore to tell us that the escape lies in EDUCATION. He isnt here to ask us to turn the TV off and pick up the books. WE have to realize on our own and WE have to step away from the TV. Pick up books and READ. If youre a student, make time for extra curricular book reading. If youre a parent, read yourself and encourage your children to read. If youre a teacher, lead from the front and read, inspire your students to read whats not a part of their curriculum. Lets develop a reading culture in our country to escape from this treachery and stop letting TV manufacture our thoughts and conjure up some thoughts of our own. Books are not expensive anymore and its no longer an excuse that there are no libraries and we cant afford books. Its the digital age and everything is available and is not expensive at all. Lets stop this name-calling (cheap justice, taliban khan, noora brothers etc etc) and these cheap morning shows and low life political talk shows where the people who have no sense of honor or respect and are corrupt and ill mannered, sit and teach us ethics. Lets stop with the politics and being the puppets in the hands of the politicians for once. Lets learn to indulge ourselves into activities that are healthier and that help us grow. Lets educate ourselves. Lets start building a nation that can stand up in front of anyone in a dignified, educated and civilized manner. Lets teach our children humanity, love, empathy and honor. Lets TURN OFF THE TV and lets PICK UP THE BOOKS!
Posted on: Sat, 17 May 2014 14:25:20 +0000

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