Sitting here thinking - WHAT ARE SOME OF MY PET PEEVES? What are a - TopicsExpress


Sitting here thinking - WHAT ARE SOME OF MY PET PEEVES? What are a couple of yours ? .... and self-admittably here, many of our buttons that are pushed the most - are the very ones that WE are struggling with the hardest 😉.... nevertheless... Mine: DECEPTION or DECEIT IN ANY FORM ( I love transparency!!!! ) I hate lying or misconstrued truth... I HATE vandalism !!!! Holding GRUDGES or ill will for extended lengths of time like months, years, decades, lifetimes. I STRONGLY dislike it when others wont move out of the fast lane - especially when they look in their rv mirror 😖😤 I HATE HATE HATE GOSSIP ! Did I mention I despise LYING & deception & dishonesty 😉❓❗️❓and did i mention that i super love TRANSPARENCY and being with those that dont have to put up facades - false fences and barriers ❓😉😋😘☺️ Oh ya- and one last one - when people are SO busy talking they dont even take a moment to just simply LISTEN to you - or pause for a moment and SINCERELY ask how YOU are doing - and then ACTUALLY LISTEN 😉 Those are a few of mine - yours ?
Posted on: Sun, 08 Jun 2014 14:22:48 +0000

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