Skinny Fiber - What to Do When You Start Take a Before/After - TopicsExpress


Skinny Fiber - What to Do When You Start Take a Before/After Photo – Tight clothing, Full body shots. Front, side and back shots with your hands on your hips. ( wear something snug ) Weigh yourself and do not weigh again for at least 2 weeks. Take all measurements of all your body parts. Neck, Chest, R and L Arm, Waist, Hips, R and L Thigh, and R & L Calf. Weigh one time every 2 weeks! This is important - the scale weight will not show the fat loss 9 (inch loss) and can be very discouraging! Take 2 capsules 30-60 minutes with a full glass of water (8 to 16 ounces) before you 2 biggest meals. Drink according to the water chart. Water is Key to this product working. They are saying you can drink tea when taking it dissolves faster. Also open capsules put in yogurt/applesauce. As your body is detoxifying you may feel hungry, but that isn’t hunger, your body is thirsty. Pay attention, the Skinny Fiber will make you feel full so STOP eating when you feel full! For the first 30 days you may or may not lose any weight but definitely lose inches so the measurements & photos will show that you are losing inches. Be patient, you didn’t gain the weight in 1 or 2 weeks so it’s NOT going to all come off that fast either. This is a process that we are here to help you with! You will notice more energy and you will start to feel great! Some lose very fast! Some lose slower. The first week you take it, it will work on getting your body ready to lose weight, will boost your metabolism, and clean your body of all the bad toxins. After the first or second week, you will really start to see & feel the results! Some people can feel the difference within a day, and some it can take up to 2, 3 or even 4 weeks before they notice a difference. Stay focused and take the product correctly & consistently and results it will happen. SF first starts working on the issues that are slowing the metabolism down, by correcting the body naturally and preparing it for weight loss--that is done by the detox that takes place in the first few days or even weeks. The more off balance the body is, the longer it will take to see weight loss. Have had several that said they began to notice the weight or inch loss at the very end of the first bottle. That is why we have the 30 day empty bottle guarantee!!! Make sure you eat appropriate calories if you stop eating your body will go into starvation mode. Here are so helpful weight loss tips: 1) Change the way you think about to live not live to eat! 2) NEVER drink calories!!! 3) Limit the carbs---bread pasta and potatoes 4) Eat 4-6 small meals a day 5) Drink water according to the water chart 6) Move your body...any amount of movement is good! 7) Focus on one change at a time 8) Live for the day....know that we all fall..just get back up! 9) Do not measure your success with the scale--measure yourself...get out a pair of jeans you can not wear anymore and look at them everyday...try them on once a week! These are your dream jeans 10) Visit the support group often...the motivation could make all the difference! AND THE MOST IMPORTANT ONE OF THEM ALL!! Tell yourself you are worth can do it and see yourself the way you want to be---I believe in you! Order here skinny_2526717.skinnyfiberplus Join me here: https://facebook/groups/713395335349934/ Also please download myfitnesspal
Posted on: Tue, 24 Jun 2014 03:27:01 +0000

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