Smolensk Plane Crash testimony questioned Antoni Macierewicz - TopicsExpress


Smolensk Plane Crash testimony questioned Antoni Macierewicz slammed prosecutors for publishing the testimony of his side’s experts Antoni Macierewicz slammed prosecutors for publishing the testimony of his side’s experts. The row over the cause of the Smolensk disaster, which claimed the lives of President Lech Kaczynski and 95 others in April 2010, returned to the front pages this week after military prosecutors published documents outlining the theories of a group of experts connected to those who believe that it was not an accident. The military prosecutors office questioned the authors of the most prominent theory that the accident had been caused by an explosion. “None of them provided materials and data to form a basis to support the conclusions that had been presented earlier,” Captain Marcin Maksjan, a spokesman for the prosecutors told Gazeta Wyborcza. Maciej Lasek, head of the special team put together by the Prime Minister’s office in connection with the Smolensk investigation, told reporters that the government team had been trying unsuccessfully for six months with requests for “a detailed discussion, which would only be possible after the presentation of the source materials on which their theory is based.” He criticized the parliamentary group led by Law and Justice (PiS) MP Antoni Macierewicz for continuing to make claims which could not be supported by evidence. “At the moment we have the impression that the formula of presenting increasingly different and sometimes conflicting causes of the disaster is exhausted ... And based on selective analysis they are trying to manipulate public opinion,” he said. The government team believe that the disaster was caused by a number of errors including poor pilot training, bad judgment by the pilots and a poor knowledge of the Russian language which led to misunderstanding with the Russian air traffic control. Antoni Macierewicz accused the government team of running scared from a debate on the disaster and once again insisted that the Russian authorities had blown up the aircraft after their attempts to cause it to crash had failed. “Arkadiusz Protasiuk (the captain of the aircraft) and his colleagues ... although they were being led to their death, although the command had been given to them when death was inevitable, they escaped from there and lifted the aircraft as it was going to hit the slope. They lifted that aircraft and then the explosion happened.”
Posted on: Mon, 30 Sep 2013 18:36:25 +0000

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