So Because we believe in God were anti Science and technology? - TopicsExpress


So Because we believe in God were anti Science and technology? Hope yall will watch the vid. Ya may not agree with my take on scripture, but if you take away from it that were anti science and technology then thats just denial. Watch, like Share! Rock paper scissors. Thanks blessings! PolitiChicks, Focus on the Family, Runaway Slave, The Documentary with CL Bryant, David Barton/WallBuilders, Passion for Christ Movement, Christian Hip Hop, The Heritage Foundation, Rush Limbaugh, Conservatives Exposing Liberal Lies, Right Wing Rants & Raves, I Am Second, Alveda King, Kira Ayn Davis, Allen West, Herman Cain, Wayne Dupree Show, Dana Loesch, Intellectual Frog Legs, The Tea Party, Black Tea Patriots, Blessed International of South Bay, The Revolution, FreedomWorks, Americans for Prosperity, The Blacksphere, The Conservative Messenger,
Posted on: Tue, 11 Feb 2014 22:51:00 +0000

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