So I am working on my weight... I have kinda stalled out at - TopicsExpress


So I am working on my weight... I have kinda stalled out at 320... Losing a sack of cat feed makes me feel better. And not eating bread ecspecially has made me feel tons better. I get really gripey when people who do not even know me remark about my weight!!! I like pie and that is my business!!! I am allergic to lettuce and orange juice!!! I never remark badly about peoples looks!!! Anyone can be on my team no matter what you look like. If you need nicer clothes I will find you some. Heck I have given some of my God children my own clothes.If you need more food I will share mine. If you have no place to go on holidays our family table is open to you. I an a little self concoius about my looks and always have been. I have bought most all of my clothing since I took my first Cowboying jobs in 3rd grade. My Mimi would get me 2 new pairs of Levis a year for my birthday and sometimes a nice shirt for taking her to the dr while she was ill. I have always dressed differently. Because IT IS MY CHOICE!!! I try to set my own trend and buy shirts no one else has!! I wear boots and shoes I choose. I AM NOT TRYING TO IMPRESS ANYONE. I LIKE NICE BUTTON UP SHIRTS. I RARELY WEAR PEARL SNAPS. I LIKE GOLF SHIRTS. I WEAR Carhartts or Dickies by choice. I do not wear a belt not only because I was not given a belt buckle when I won my World Championship...but it really hurts to wear one due to scar tissue I have. I cough a lot because of scar tissue not because I am sick. AND ABOVE I HAVE NO REASON TO JUDGE PEOPLE BECAUSE I do not want to be judged. The Apostle Paul had the finest suits of clothing as the tax collector Saul...He to realized that with every once of knowledge he had obtained and all the riches he once had were worthless without Christ Jesus being first in his life. In his final day of life in prison he even made a remark that dressing poorly did not change his love for Jesus. I wear a nice hat!!! I am proud to say I HAVE A CUSTOM MADE ONE IN SHIPMENT TO ME FROM Powder River Hats. I do not buy One often and I am thankful that God put me in contact with Brook. I am finally able to get my feet back in some pull on Western Boots... I found a very unique pair I like!!! I have had a broken neck.... A broken colar bone... 1000s of stitches some I have sewn in myself. And I have had my shoulders out of socket 105 times... I had paralyzed my tricept (I could not even lift 3 pounds when my youth got me in weightlifting with them. I have vertebrae c-4-c-6 fused and a Titanium plate and screws in my neck. I have a new filly in training so I can ride again and I can still rope from the ground and handle a cow as well as most team ropers I know. So think a little before you remark about my looks...the scars on my forehead I earned protecting those who could not protect themselves. Nor should you confuse my kindness with weakness!!! I give because I have been given too and I recieve because I have shared what Jesus blessed me with. But dont try to shade me or lie because I do not have to catch you at it thats Gods job. And if you are judging me by my size of 320 and a size 46 jeans or shorts you are missing out on a friend that would have backed your play to the end of the earth!!! No brag just fact!!
Posted on: Mon, 04 Aug 2014 14:49:22 +0000

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