So I had the privilege of listening to Ben Streusand the other - TopicsExpress


So I had the privilege of listening to Ben Streusand the other night at Casa don Boni. If you werent able to make it out, you missed a great night of conversation and discussion over a variety of different issues thats very relevant to everyones daily life. The statements made below are of MY opinion and should not reflect the RLC of CD 36 or anyone within the RLC. Ill start off with the issues I disagreed with him the most and work my way up, that way well end on a positive note. Ill list three issues that really stuck out the most and they follow in no particular order; foreign policy, economy and leadership. Foreign policy- I would give Ben an F on this subject. This is no secret at this point as the mainstream view within most of the younger individuals within the party speak out against the war and do so loudly. They have every right to do so. Weve been fighting multiple third world countries for over a decade with nothing to show for it. After a decade of fighting, war and sanctions we are less safe than we were in 2001. He lost me when he told everyone in attendance that the military budget should be expanded, but at the same much of the money within the budget goes to waste. First off, no conservative should be talking about expanding the budget anywhere. Were in the hole $17 T and I tend to get very nervous when people start talking about expanding any budget. If you plan on going to D.C. to expand the military budget without expanding Obamacare, its not going to happen. This is why were in debt as much as we are. If we can come to the table and discuss where were going to expand budgets, I feel confident we can come to the table and discuss where were going to make cuts. Streusand also made the claim that hes not so sure that Israel can defeat the Arabic countries in the middle east if the United States were to just get out of the way and let Israel stand on its own. Either Ben has neglected history or he just doesnt know it. Israel through the 1900s has made that issue crystal clear when looking at the Arab-Israeli War, Six Day War and Yom Kippur War. I would also encourage everyone to read more into Bekaa Valley. SHows the true capabilities of the Israeli military. Now my final issue with Streusand is that I cant seem to tell if he wants to wage a war against a religion or a country. He kept making references to the koran and what they believe religiously. Though I would agree that violence is not a solution or answer, retaliating with an attitude of striking down a religion can be reckless and dangerous. I would encourage everyone to talk to Ben more on this issue because I could have very possibly misunderstood him but I highly doubt it. Economic Issues- Ben scored considerably higher on this and I put him at a solid B. Hes obviously very intelligent in Economics and I really enjoyed listening to him speak on this issue. He was in favor of a full audit of the Federal Reserve but he sounded leery in ending the fed, which is understandable in this day and age. The only reference he made to the gold standard is when he mentioned it would be impossible to do so overnight and hes right. I wish he would have talked a little more on competing currencies or maybe introducing competition to the Fed. Another reason I put it at a B is because I dont think its very high on his priority list. The Fed and economic issues are my top priority. (If Economics isnt at the top of your list I would say A.) Leadership- A+ Ben Streusand said what was by far the greatest statement Ive heard anyone running for office say. He mentioned that we need to teach Republicans not only what liberals believe and teach is wrong, but WHY. Thats the most crucial element thats missing from the party right now. I hear and read Conservatives debating liberals all the time about taxes (random example) and how theyre bad for the economy, but none of them can debate why. They cant go into detail about why taxes are essentially a legalized way of theft and how it discourages wealth accumulation etc. What Ben said is exactly what the party needs so I totally commend him on that. Anyways, this is strictly my opinion on the matter and if you would like to add anything to what I said above, please do so. Ben Streusand is a great candidate and Ive enjoyed getting to know him and the individuals in his campaign. Im also looking forward to hearing Brian Babin speak. I will have a few questions for him as well. Hope to see everyone out and about in the coming weeks leading up to voting day.
Posted on: Thu, 13 Mar 2014 02:55:37 +0000

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