So I have finally caught up with Season 6 of Castle after my 2nd - TopicsExpress


So I have finally caught up with Season 6 of Castle after my 2nd year of university is finally finished and I’ve got to say this season while better than season 1 and 2, I personally do not think this season was as good as season 3 (in my opinion the shows best season), 4 or 5. Granted I really watch this show for Nathan Fillion pleasure as it is not exactly high are, but that does not mean I give everything a free pass (if that was the case then I would like Iron Man 3 and the day that would happen is the day Hell freezes over, but I digress). So I’ve decided to list what I think are the best (and worst) episodes of the season in no particular order. The best: Valkyrie/Dreamworld—Damn the acting from Fillion in these episodes was truly something I haven’t seen from him since last years episode where Alexis got kidnapped. Time Will Tell—I am a sucker for the topic of time travel and this episode did get a good laugh out of me quite a few times. Like Father, Like Daughter—A episode that changes the formula and mainly focuses on Rick and Alexis with some great development between the two to be genuinely heart-warming, especially with the stale Pi sub plot. Disciple—A Triple X killer episode and dear god did this episode creep me out. Under Fire—A more serious episode, especially with the development between Ryan and Esposito. Deep Cover—The return of his father from last seasons episode that has a similar plot to Taken. Smells Like Teen Spirit—Like last season had an episode that borrowed elements from Taken, this one borrows elements from Carrie and keep me interested with some good laughs along the way. In the Belly of the Beast—A more Beckett centric episode and this episode certainly leads into some really intense moments that are some what character defining, as well as some development to the Bracke, sub-plot that I felt the show was dropping. The Greater Good—MUST …. RESIST … HOT FUZZ JOKE. Veritas—A satisfying conclusion to the Bracken storyline (or is it?) and it is nice to see our heroes to go rogue, kind of like in the Bond films like Licence to Kill and the underrated Quantum of Solace. For Better or Worse—For a season finale, it was surprisingly comical and I found most of the humour to be well timed and performed by the actor and this finale does continue the shows trend of giving us fantastic cliff hangers. The worst: Number One Fan—Disappointing as this episode just resets the status quo rather than changes, which is something I feel like every TV show should do in order to remain fresh. Get a Clue—God was this one just painfully formulaic even for this show, the least they could do was make it refreshing. A Murder is Forever—A case that wasn’t really interesting and the jokes are kind of forgettable to me. The Good, the Bad and the Baby—Not exactly awful, but I just think this one was somewhat wasted potential. Limelight—Best describe this episode with the phrase: “Been there, done that”. Law & Boarder—Lacked in imagination and the episode is about skaters, the jokes should right themselves. So what are your thoughts on Season 6 of Castle?
Posted on: Fri, 13 Jun 2014 21:47:38 +0000

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