So I just want to say that frankly Im sick of all this racism crap - TopicsExpress


So I just want to say that frankly Im sick of all this racism crap thats been all over Facebook. Im sick of all the anti-police crap too. Heres what it all boils down to: --If youre going to judge an entire group of people based solely on the actions of a few (and if we talk percentages it IS just a few), youre being racist. You can try to contradict me all you want, but if you believe that EVERY. SINGLE. PERSON. that belongs to a particular race is bad or a thug-- THATS RACISM. --If youre going to judge an entire profession based solely on the actions of a few (again, look at the percentages), youre being... um, I dont know that theres a word for that, but-- same basic idea. Any way that you want to split people up, any groups you want to put them in, youre gonna have a few bad apples in the bunch. Did you hear about that dentist that was drugging his female patients and raping them? Does that mean ALL dentists do that? What about the teachers that got caught giving answers to kids so that they would score higher on standardized tests? Does that mean ALL teachers do that? What about doctors that order unnecessary tests just to they can charge more? Does that mean ALL doctors do that? How about drunk drivers? Are ALL drivers drunk? Lets dig a little deeper-- remember that little 12 year old boy who killed his grandmother? I guess since were stereotyping people that means that ALL 12 year old boys will kill their grandmothers. My youngest son is 12. Uh, oh. Stop the stupid racist shit, stop judging all police based on the few that the media talk about, and stop all this profiling. You only prove your own ignorance and narrow-mindedness. This is the only place we all have to live. Theres no getting away from each other so we might as well make the best of it. Quit spending this short time that you have here on such a worthless mission of trying to keep us divided from one another. Can you imagine how much happier everyone would be if we didnt focus on the negative and instead focused on the positive? ********** Think about this-- just a little imaginary scenario for you-- theres a boy named Alex. Hes black, lives with his parents, and has always been taught that white people are out to get him. According to his parents, ALL white people are against ALL black people. Because thats what his parents were taught. So Alex grows up, only hanging out with black kids, disliking his white teachers-- because theyre white. He makes his way through school, goes on to college, gets a job, and moves out on his own. He works with a white woman, well call her Zoe. Zoe is HILARIOUSLY funny, smart, good at her job, etc. Theres the potential for romance, but Alex never pursues it, because he knows deep down, that his parents would NEVER approve. So when given the opportunity to choose his own team for a new project, he doesnt choose Zoe, even though its just the sort of project that she would excel at. He stops sharing his candy bar with her after lunch, he stops walking her to her car when they have to work late. Zoe met Alex at work. They both started at the company at about the same time. They work on a few projects together and their friendship grows quickly. Shes definitely interested in him, because of his deep knowledge of history, his quick wit, and charming smile. But, Zoes mother was attacked by a black man while she was in high school so Zoes parents have always warned her about the dangers of black people. Theyre not to be trusted, her parents said. You never know what theyll do. Theyre all the same. So Zoe doesnt act on her feelings, and when her relationship with Alex seems to be taking a romantic turn, she begins to pull away from him-- no longer going to lunch with him, saying No thanks when he brings her a cup of coffee, asking to be moved to the other side of the office. Years go by and they both move on from their first job. They dont make any effort to stay in contact with one another. But, they both miss the other. Other relationships come and go, and eventually they both marry. Sadly, since theyre still heartbroken over their first love, their marriages end in divorce. Zoe is crushed by her divorce, feeling it was all her fault for not being able to let go of Alexs memory and finding flaws with her ex-husband because he just wasnt Alex. She decides that since she cant have Alex (because hes dangerous, remember?) that life isnt worth living. She climbs to the top of the building where they first worked together and is just about ready to jump when she hears a long-ago familiar voice calling to her from below... Alex didnt intend on walking so far that day. But he found himself in front of the building where he had first met Zoe. He remembered the boring meetings where they would pass notes to each other, the time she broke the copier and swore him to secrecy, the time he locked his keys in his car and she sat with him for two hours waiting on the locksmith-- just to keep him company. He looks up to take one last look and sees someone on the roof. He somehow just KNOWS its Zoe. Without thinking, he shouts to her Hey, do you want half of my candy bar? By now, a crowd has gathered, to watch the woman whos about to commit suicide. They dont understand why someone would offer someone whos suicidal a candy bar-- why isnt he trying to talk her down? Why is he talking nonsense, threatening Ill tell everyone about the copier if you jump... If you jump, whos gonna sit with me next time I lock my keys in my car? Zoe begins to cry, and slowly backs away from the edge. Alex rushes to the roof, embraces her, and pulls a Snickers bar from his coat pocket. ********** ...And to think, it all couldve been avoided if Alex and Zoes parents wouldnt have forced their misguided beliefs and prejudices on them... Be careful what youre teaching your kids. You have no way of knowing the impact youll have.
Posted on: Mon, 22 Dec 2014 17:40:38 +0000

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