So I recently watched the movie and read the book version of Orson - TopicsExpress


So I recently watched the movie and read the book version of Orson Scott Cards (OSC) magnum opus Enders Game. Herewith are some thoughts. First, the movie is well-done both technically and in an entertaining sense. It compresses the action of the book (most notably, only one alien invasion) but it is generally faithful to the book. All the key scenes are present, at the expense of the Valentine and Peter subplot back home. It will be on my list of Hugo nominees. Second, as I remarked earlier, the book and movie have some moral issues. This caused (in both versions) the Speaker for the Dead portion of the story to ring false. Simply put, in Enders Game, OSC has provided a high-tech version of whats done with AK-47s in Africa, namely creating child soldiers. In Africa especially, these child soldiers are feared, largely because they are highly violent, unpredictable, and ruthless sociopaths. When Ender was put into that meat-grinder of an environment, he would have become a sociopath. He would not have shown the slightest qualm at the time with wiping out the Formic race. He might have, years later, developed qualms, but not then. He absolutely wouldnt have shown the qualms he did just before the final battle in the movie version. Overall, though, both the book and the movie are well worth the cost to consume them.
Posted on: Mon, 11 Nov 2013 16:23:31 +0000

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