So, I was tagged in a post about The Burn Game which, is allegedly - TopicsExpress


So, I was tagged in a post about The Burn Game which, is allegedly the new version of The Knockout Game where, blacks are allegedly burning whites. After some research of the article I was tagged in and, some Googling of the suspects named, I came up with the suspects being arrested for OTHER crimes and, nothing pertaining to what the article stated. Now, on the other end of research, I found that the sites posting it, were all of the same feel with, the owners being of the same hue. With site names like Black Crimes Against Whites, White Justice and otherwise, you can see where Im going with this. Now, I have NO substantiated proof of this trend or the allegations. But, I decided to post this stat so that, you will be AWARE. It could very well be going on but, I dont see ANY major news outlet even remotely mentioning the subject. Not that, they are completely reliable but, you get the point. Please be research minded in what you post or, what you decide to subscribe to.
Posted on: Sat, 13 Dec 2014 16:29:21 +0000

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