So I would like to broach a topic that has been running through my - TopicsExpress


So I would like to broach a topic that has been running through my head recently. An see what our followers have to contribute on the topic. During my time in USMC I have operated with a lot of different operators from around the world. One group that I operated with, an really enjoyed my time with, was the British Royal Marine and the SAS. Wile operating with them I picked up a simple phrase, that I still use to this day. That phrase is Kit. Essentially it is a way of saying gear and equipment. What we referred to as a flight gear bag, they called a kit bag. Now me being the kind of person I am, I have put a lot of thought into my kit that I have today. Everything from the weight of what Im packing, and the number of mags Im carrying, to the placement of pouches, and other equipment. I have put hours of thought and preparation into this kit, and even more time training with it to make sure my muscle memory is properly built up so that I can quickly and efficiently employ this battle load that my life has, and one day may again, depend on. But this got me thinking... How many different TYPES of kit are there? First aid KIT, survival KIT, emergency KIT, or how about an EDC (Every Day Carry) KIT! Why is one so much more important than the others? An if one is, are we properly prioritizing how we train to use them? Does it not stand to reason that the things we use most often should be the things we train the most with as well? Honestly, why should the thought process, the planning, and the considerations taken be restricted simply to something with a tactical application? As I have stated previously, any situation could quickly turn from just your normal happy day with the family, or friends, or at work, to being life or death at any time. How many people carry even basic first aid supplies on them while walking around town running errands? From my experiences the answer is NOBODY! Now Im not saying that everyone needs to carry a full combat first aid kit on them at all times, that would just be impractical, an might make you look quite strange to some, but its just something to think about. I am planning on making this kind of a running series, where I am going to discuss different kits, for different purposes, and while I do so I ask that you look at your personal kits, an think about what you may or may not need, an more importantly, what you are lacking in the way of preparedness. This whole exercise is meant to be purely thought provoking, an to get you to examine how you have each KIT that use set and prepared! I understand that what works for me, might not work the same for you, but by hearing my thought process and looking at my set up, hopefully I can at least get you going in the right direction and get the gears in your head turning. As always, stay safe, stay alert, stay alive! -VooDoo
Posted on: Wed, 04 Dec 2013 21:43:20 +0000

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