So, Im making a creepypasta, hopefully. share and like this up - TopicsExpress


So, Im making a creepypasta, hopefully. share and like this up please. I want it to get in the realms lol e u e. The Therapist. This story still haunts me to this day, and it doesnt matter where you live, or where you hide...somehow he finds the broken...Please dont seek his counciling, Please! I BEG YOU! dont feed it! I guess you could say this story started with a inconsequential divorce. You can call me Ember, and my brothers name was Jacob. Ember and Jacob Petrov. It started on an average saturday morning, and we didnt expect it to turn out the way it did, sitting in the livingroom watching tv. our parents shuffled in, looking tired and exhasperated, we figured they were just tired from a long days work, their shifts were long, and we could understand, but when the word divorce left their lips. Jacob came unglued, he was only 13, I remember slinking into my chair a bit, and shriveling. How could they do this? So a few days in, they sold the house, and split the money, and since I was 17, I had to look after Jacob, so we were sent to live with our mom, in Louisiana with Grandma, under one circumstance... That she would find Jacob a Therapist.... Mom didnt have much money after that, having to transfer from her job in the city to one in the bayou districts of Louisianas dense land. And Grandma was not only old, she was ancient, sometimes she would trail off, and forget what she was talking about, her bones were probably fossilized, her breath smelled like cat litter, and she honestly looked like she was one big prune. But mom left us with her, now mom said Grandma knew of the old voodoo ways, but I was a non believer, and honestly, seeing grandma practice dark arts was a hilarious image. One I wouldnt accept. But after a few days of waiting for a readjustment to our new lives. Breakfast was the time of reckoning. I remember Grandma sat up, licked her cracked lips clean of grits, and clapped her hands together, she rubbed them together for a few minutes, the sound was like dry sandpaper. and she smiled, Charlotte. she said, her voice was whiny and warped. I know where to send your son. Jacob dropped his spoon in his bowl, he looked up at her, with soft disdain. Im not going anywhere. He said haughtily. Grandma eyed him with her glassy eyes for a few moments. Then looked back to mom. Mom had perked up, she couldnt find a therapist for miles around. They didnt give me any names of Therapists around here mom. I didnt think there were any. Grandma laughed then, He dont have a name dear. They only call him. The Therapist. I didnt know why that sent a chill down my spine at the moment in time, but it did, and I remember getting up, and grabbing Jacobs arm, ((though he protested and called me a freak for interrupting his breakfast)) and tried to jerk him away from the table, he finally relented, and followed, where I convinced him to sit down and watch the old antenna topped t.v. That grandma had. The next day, was a day that no one wanted to come, except mom, who excitedly shoved us out the door into the car, Grandma had been soaking a bisquit in some gravy when she saw us headed out, she smiled, and said softly, Dont look into his eye deary. It was a strange request, not to look in his eye. But it was one Jacob blew off, when he should have acknowledged it. The doors to he bricked building were musty and cracked, some parts of it had decayed, mom whispered something along the lines of Ive never seen this building before... and stopped us both, thinking for a few moments, her face askew, then she smiled, clapped her hands and said, Go along then you two, Im just going to go to the grocery mart to pick up a few things and Ill be right back to pick you up! I wished I would have begged her to stay, I wished........ When we entered that building, there was no receptionist, and it was dark inside, as if there was no electricity, but one room was lit up, and we could hear a soft voice, Come in...Come in children. It sounded faint and old. The sound of rocking and pens on paper was the only noise heard throughout the ancient building. I shoved Jacob first, my heart felt like it would leap out of my throat. Come in! the voice was more insistent now, almost loud, almost...screaming. and we felt ourselves walking, the door SLAMMED behind us. The door was ajar, and the light spilled out, into the corridor, we slowly opened it, and we noticed, a thin, tall figure, with his back to us, his hair was black, and slicked back on one side, and matted on the other. he was scribbling something down with both hands on a notepad yellowed with age. Jacob looked around, trying to see his face, he wore a black suit, with coat-tails that hung past the back of his knees. but we still couldnt see his face. He-Hello? Jacob whimpered, and the man stopped, and put down the pens, slowly, as if he were agitated by Jacobs voice. I supressed a shiver. This man was creeping me out. He pointed to the chair, with one white gloved hand. and Jacob walked to it, He waved at me. as if telling me to leave the room. I couldnt leave my brother with the stranger, and he relented his waving after a while, Suit yourself.... He mumbled, his voice...seemed a bit more warped now....more high pitched and eerie. But he coughed, and I assumed he was only sick. there was a moment of silence, Why are you here? He whispered. His voice was soft again. He didnt look old from behind, so I thought perhaps taking on others problems had aged him mentally. My parents divorced, A sickening crack, as he broke one of the pens, and giggled, this soft...menacing giggle. I felt my skin crawl, and my blood ran cold. And he turned........... How does that make you---FEEL? Half of his face seemed to be taken by extreme glee, while the other had the serious expression of a therapist. I almost screamed, his eye, oh god his eye, it was bloodshot and blue, wide and almost bulging with glee, while the other seemed to be perfectly fine. His voice, was another matter in its own. It was shrill, and eerie, and it seemed like, two of him were talking at once, Jacob didnt seem to hear it, and he spilled his problems, one by one, and the thing SAT THERE, and listened, and it seemed to... feed off of his problems. Feed off of his hatred, and guilt and misery. My parents forgot me... And how does that make you feel~?! and I remember, that before Jacob could even answer, he was upon him, almost as if he had been there all along...and he bit into my brothers neck, giggleing, giggleing, laughing harder and louder than anything I had ever heard....and my brothers shrieking..............I was supposed to protect him...but I fled, I ran and I couldnt stop running.... They put me here, in this insane asylum....I can still hear his giggling. I can hear it more prominantly tonight. Im glad the authoritys allowed me to write this...but I can feel his breath on my neck...almost like...hes watching me type...waiting...Until he can ask me how it makes me feel... and I can hear him. Walking, he knows Im done...He knows that I
Posted on: Sat, 18 Jan 2014 20:32:42 +0000

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